Is Pakistan in a position to face new front? By Chairman SLF
By: Raja Ghulam Mujtaba **

More ever this package inflicts a brutal wound upon Kashmir’s Freedom Movement. In fact this makes Pakistani Govt. at par with Indian Government. This hideous conspiracy is an off-shoot of Gen (R) Pervez Musharraf’s four point agenda and back channel diplomacy which is completely un-acceptable for the people of Jammu Kashmir. There is also a limit for Pakistani government and other authorities to interfere in State unit as they have made a commitment in United Nations to give Right of Self-determination to the people of entire State of Jammu Kashmir. When we say Jammu Kashmir State it clearly means that Gilgit Baltistan is the part of the State like other areas as Jammu and Kashmir. Ignorance of this historical background would be harmful for Pakistan and it can spoil the say of Pakistani state on international level about Kashmir Issue. The state of Pakistan can be called as fraudulent State, as she is bypassing international rules and laws.
So in these circumstances it is better to re-united Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir to form a sovereign and democratic state. This sovereign State must be headed by a revolutionary government having two autonomous Provinces Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan. It should be the representative Government of the people of entire State of Jammu Kashmir so that it may speed up the people’s freedom movement on both National and International level. Otherwise there must be a government, more democratic, powerful and sovereign than the Government of Azad Kashmir, in Gilgit Baltistan having an elected president, Prime Minister, Supreme Court and Independent election Commission. Current status of Gilgit Baltistan is not acceptable, not only for the people of Gilgit Baltistan but also for the people of other areas of the state. The stake holders of State are no doubt that current package is a step forward to divide the State of Jammu Kashmir into pieces. This opinion of the people is not only harmful but a great disaster for Pakistan as Pakistan is facing much of problems these days. This decision will boost up the people of State to open a new field for Pakistan in her neighbor. Is Pakistan in this position to face a new front?
**Raja Ghulam Mujtaba is the current Chairman of Jammu Kashmir Students Liberation Front (JKSLF) and can be rached at
Thanks for your views.
ReplyDeleteMuzammil Hussain
Dear Mujtaba I am happy to see your writing in English.Please improve it further.
ReplyDeleteSyed Muzammil Hussain
Dear writer
ReplyDeleteYou have given very good information on the issue. Gilgit Baltistan are part and parcel of kashmir, but people of that area should be given their rights.If federal government has given them any sort of rights, there should be no hue and cry at all.After all they are human beings. Do you agree?
Ghazala Yasmin Rawalpindi
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ReplyDeleteDefacto Pakistani Province Gilgit Baltitan is a alarming message for Unified,Secular, Independent Kashmir.
ReplyDeleteRecent Pakistani constitutional colonial aggression on Gilgit Baltistan via Empowerment and Self-governance, 2009 passed by the prime minister of Pakistan Yousaf Raza Gilani and his federal cabinet and his federal minister Qumar Zaman Kiara be the first Adhock Governor of the new Pakistani Defacto province of Gilgit Baltistan and the president of Islamic Republic of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari singed and endorsed it to their slave territory of Pakistan Occupied Gilgit Baltistan (POGB).
That is a great colonial gift for the forcibly divided state of Jammu Kashmir ,historically many Kashmiri groups believed that Pakistan is their Allie and she is backing for the right of self determination of the former princely state of Jammu Kashmir.
I don`t want to go into the past especially after 1988 when thousands of innocent lives taken by the Pakistan sponsored proxy war but Kashmiries suffered enough and lost their life ,property and honour.
In 21st century Defacto Pakistani Province Gilgit Baltistan Empowerment and Self-governance, 2009 Act ,is passed over a dead body of right of self determination of Jammu Kashmir.
Those groups who are working with Islamabad must show their regret over the recent constitutional legal,and historical geopolitical decline of the so-called democratic Govt.of Pakistan and its powerful military establishment until the time is passe away.
Why the people of Gilgit Baltistan and so-called Azad Kashmir (Free Kashmir) join Pakistani state which was prove a failed military regime in 1971 and onward.
What`s happening with Pakistan in 2009,its not a better then the past,there are no guarantee of fundamental rights,basic necessity of life ,(food,health ,justice ,sugar,etc) are far far away form the reach of any common citizen.Where as their own nationalities, Balochi,Sindhi,Sariky,Pushtoon are looking for their right of self determination which were denied by the military and civil establishment since 1947?
In these circumstances the region of Gilgit Baltistan which is a full of water and natural resources i.e Pakistan is a one of the larger country exporting gem stones to the world apart from the Swat all other places are in GB and Azad Kashmir.With this Geo-political position GB have large number of rich natural water resources and Pakistan failed to build a Kala Bagh dam but Govt.of Pakistan building a many Dames without the consent and wishes of the people of POGB.There are many other examples of exploitation done by the Pakistani state in these areas.
Either in Azad Kashmir a smiler story of colonial exploitation of Pakistani state with their allies in POK working under the shelter of Pakistani military.Mangle dam was built in 1966 in Mirpur Azad Kahmir and recent years its upgrading through an agreement done by Govt. of Pakistan, Chief Secretary of Azad Kashmir (Must be a Pakistani national -Act-1974) and Pakistn WAPDA(Pakistan. Water and Power Development Authority).It s production of electricity is more then one thousand MW (1000,Mega Watt) and the total requirement of electricity consumption in Azad Kashmir is less then three hundred ( 300,MW) but electricity is unavailable in Azad Kashmir and its prices are higher in price then in Pakistani province Punjab.
Even its full royalty was not paid by any POK Govt. and POK authorities have not any control on it.
Nadeem Aslam
Having gone through the article written by Amanullah Khan (son of soil GB)and some veiws here on this blog gives a vivid reflection of paranoia among the leadership. Here a lady from RWP quotes "after all they are human beings" It looks disgusting an Listen bibi we are good human beings than you are and a great nation with our own culture, language and heritage. You show me a single common cultural identity or a heritage in AJ&K necessary for the definition to be a nation, I am not talking about IHK. Aman Bai, come to GB you are a great leader dont spoil yourselve in Kashmir politics. Yes once GB was part of Maharaja's dominion, but neither Maharaja is there nor the same political situtation exists. You are the harbringer of self determination and by using this definition majority of the people in GB dont like to be part of Kashmir politics. Mr. Mujtaba, dont be concern about the autonomy and control of GB and tell me by whom your PM and President are being conroled.
ReplyDeleteGB Zinda Bad, Pakistan Painda Bad
I have concern about the autonomy and control of GB because the people of GB are human beings they are not livestock. Why somebody non local rule on near about 24, 000, 0 People of GB without their freely expressed will. They are the part of our society and Nation so I have lot of Concern. You pointed out the term “Right of Self Determination”. It is Right that People of Entire State of Jammu Kashmir will exercise this right to determine their future Status but any of the parts of the State can’t exercise this right Individually. GB is integral part of Jammu Kashmir State and the future Status of GB is connected with the other areas of the State. You also said that there is not a single example of Culture and Language in AJK. Regarding this issue I would suggest you to study about AJK. As there is an issue of PM and President of AJK, it is right that both of them and other assembly members are controlled by Minister of Kashmir Affairs and many other authorities of Pakistan but we condemn it. That is the why we do not take part in the elections of AJK assembly. Try to understand our Ideology that what we demand for the Nation and several parts of the State. Isn’t it better that GB and AJK be reunified and there be a government having two autonomous provinces Gilgit Baltistan and AJK? Why you Support slavery and oppose Independence
ReplyDeleteMy Dear it is not the matter of controlling by somebody. What do you mean by controlling somebody, Is that Pakistan??? if yes then you must know we the people of GB proudly say we declared 62 years back to accede to Pakistan. No other option. And for your kind information the people of GB are not Kashmiris, this must be clear to you. People of GB never ever want to be the part of Kashmir. Yes our moral support is with you for the freedom of Kashmir.