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Monday, 28 September 2009

Thursday, 24 September 2009

JKLF delegation meets UK Foreign Office officials
London: (24 September 2009) The Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) delegation led by its head of Diplomatic Affairs, Professor Zafar Khan, made representations to the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office-FCO on Gilgit Baltistan issue at a meeting here in London

Explaining JKLF’s position on the Gilgit Baltistan package the delegation apprised the FCO that the organisation rejected the 29th of August 2009 package as it considers it detrimental to the fundamental political stance of the Kashmiris on he Kashmir issue. Instead the delegate pointed that the region of Gilgit Baltistan is reunited with Azad Jammu Kashmir to form a unified sovereign and democratic state headed by a revolutionary government having two autonomous provinces of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan governed not by Islamabad through a Pakistani Governor but by President, Prime Minister and a Legislative Assembly directly elected by the people of both regions of Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir.
The JKLF delegates impressed upon the FCO of the importance of the resumption of constructive dialogue between India and Pakistan and meaningful negotiations on the future status of Jammu Kashmir.
The JKLF delegation reiterated the JKLF’s view about the important role which Britain can play in bringing India and Pakistan closer over the resolution of the Jammu Kashmir issue.
Mahmood Hussain,
JKLF Diplomatic Committee

Unresolved Kashmir Issue “black spot” on the face of world body
All Parties Committee for Kashmiri Peoples Right of Self-determination, comprising 16 political parties of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan, has said that Kashmir Issue remaining unresolved on UN Security Council Agenda for 62 long years was an ugly black spot on the face of the World Body and needed to be washed off in the best interests of the UN itself, of world peace and of a peaceful and prosperous future for the people of South Asia in general and of Kashmir in particular. This was conveyed to the UN Secretary General Ban ki-moon and all the 15 members of the Security Council individually by Mr Amanullah Khan, Convener of Kashmiri Right of Self-determination Committee in a detailed letter on the eve of the 64th annual session of the General Assembly. The UN Chief Executive was requested to have copies of the letter circulated to the heads of all UN missions as provided under rules.
The letter begins with conveying heartfelt thanks to the UN from Kashmiri people for doing them the favour of letting Kashmiri themselves determine their future and that of their State in accordance with their freely expressed will whereas the outgoing British rulers of the Subcontinent, Indian National Congress and All India Muslim League had given, under Indian Independence Act of 1947, the right to determine their future to their hereditary and despotic ruler. The letter said that although Kashmiris remained deprived of that right of theirs even after 62 years due partly to the weak policies and lack of due sense of responsibility on the part of the officials of the very UN, Kashmiris still felt indebted to the world body for having their right of self-determination accepted by international community in general and by India and Pakistan in particular at least in principle.
The letter sent to the strongest personnel of the biggest international organization by the convener of the Committee for Kashmiris Rights of Self-determination says that resolutions no. 47, 51, 80, 91 and 122 of the UN Security Council and those of UNCIP of 13th August 1948 and of 5th of January 1949, all accepted by India and Pakistan and all providing for letting rather facilitating Kashmiris determine their future, but Kashmiris still remained deprived of their inherent, internationally recognized and pledged right mainly due to the weaknesses then demonstrated by concerned UN officials. In the light of these facts, the addressees of the letter have been called upon to ‘do a bit of soul searching’ individually and collectively and ‘realize your moral, political and organizational duties and obligations regarding the problem’. The letter goes on to say, ‘Remember, Your Excellencies, the Issue does not relate to an ordinary right of a few people but concerns the most important of human rights (right of self-determination) of 17 million people of Kashmir, more in number, than the individual populations of as many as 133 UN member countries’..
The letter said that the Committee did not suggest a particular solution of the Issue except that it should be based on the freely expressed will of the people of the entire Jammu Kashmir State as it existed on August 14-15, 1947. when the Subcontinent got freedom. “No solution of the Issue not meeting that criterion will be accepted”, the letter said.
The letter concluded with the hope that its addressees would take steps conducive to affording to 17 million Kashmiris their fully deserved but now being denied, right and its implementation which, the letter said, would also ensure a peaceful and prosperous future for the region inhabited by over one fifth of humanity,
(Manzoor Ahmed Khan)
Office Secretary,
All Parties Committee for
Kashmiri Peoples Right of Self-determination
Office Secretary,
All Parties Committee for
Kashmiri Peoples Right of Self-determination
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Monday, 14 September 2009
JKLF protest in Karachi against Gilgit-Baltistan Package
JKLF Sindh division organised a protest in Karachi against Pakistans infamous package of Gilgit-Baltistan Order 2009.
In this protest workers of JKLF, JKSLF and other patriotic Kashmiris attended participated.
Speaking on this occasion, senior JKLF leader Karachi Majid Khan said that this package is a part and parcel of a conspiracy to divide Jammu Kashmir state. He said that Gilgit-Baltistan is an integral part of Kashmir.
JKLF (Sindh Division) Email: wkashmir@gmail.com
Saturday, 12 September 2009
JKLF Meet the Press and Media Event in London
JKLF Meet the Press and Media Event in London
by the Diplomatic Wing of JKLF and JKLF UK Zone.
London (September 11, 2009)
JKLF also puts forward a temporary option to form a government in Gilgit-Baltistan having an elected president, Prime Minister, Supreme Court and Independent Election Commission. Such a Government will be more democratic than the existing Government of Azad Jammu Kashmir.
JKLF accuses the Government of Pakistan that Gilgit-Baltistan package is merely entangling the people of Gilgit-Baltistan in a knot of deceptive words. The Govt. of Pakistan is filling a new bottle with old wine pushing a failed formula under a new flashy disguise.
Under this package, people of Gilgit-Baltistan will suffer mass populace enslavement under an imposed governor, similar to the viceroy of the British Raj in the subcontinent as the package is nothing short of a colonial arrangement.
This package inflicts a grievous wound upon Kashmir’s Freedom Movement and brings Pakistan Government at par with Indian Government. The JKLF considers this package as a conspiracy and an off-shoot of General Pervez Musharraf’s four point agenda and part of back channel diplomacy with India which is completely un-acceptable to people of Jammu Kashmir.
JKLF and people of Kashmir will strongly oppose and resist conspiracies against the sacred cause of freedom and the fundamental rights of the people from all parts of forcibly divided state of Jammu Kashmir of which Gilgit-Baltistan is an integral part till the end.
In its recent meeting held on 2nd September in Rawalpindi the leadership of the JKLF under the guidance of its founder and supreme head Mr Amanullah Khan has decided to embark upon a concerted political effort to mobilise political and public opinion against this package. Diaspora based chapters of the JKLF will follow the guide lines to wage diplomatic activities along with other Kashmiri political forces engaged in the struggle of self determination for Kashmir.
This announcement was made at a specially convened press and media event organised by the JKLF leadership including Prof. Zafar Khan head of JKLF’s Diplomatic Affairs, Shahnawaz Malik senior vice president JKLF UK Zone, General Secretary JKLF in Britain Mohammed Riaz and Secretary Diplomatic Committee Zafar Sharif among many others present at meet the press event at KTC restaurant in Southall west London.
JKLF has announced to launch a mass mobilization campaign within Kashmir as well as at international level. This campaign will systematically expose all the conspiracies and prepare the masses to take things into their own hands, retaliate and defeat all conspiracies.
The following decisions of the JKLF’s central leadership in Rawalpindi were also announced at the London press event and the leaders resolved to follow the programme of mass mobilisation as announced by the supreme head and the Chairman of the party namely that:
JKLF is preparing a platform to re-unite the people of Indian held Jammu Kashmir, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan.
JKLF Mass Mobilization campaign is into four phases.
Phase 1:- On the 11th of September 2009 JKLF will organize protest demonstrations and rallies throughout Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan against giving Gilgit-Baltistan defecto provincial Status.
Phase 2:- JKLF will meet different political and social organizations and conduct seminars and press conferences in UK, Azad Kashmir, Gilgit Baltistan and Pakistan.
Phase 3:- JKLF will stage protest rallies in front of Pakistani diplomatic missions in London, New York, Brussels, Hong Kong and Madrid.
Phase 4:- JKLF, on 22nd of October, will conduct a long march towards parliament house Islamabad and a sit in demonstration demanding the following;
The cancellation of the 28th April 1949 Karachi agreement
The cancellation of interim constitutional act. 1974 of AJK
The cancellation of 29th August 2009, Gilgit Baltistan package
Re-unification of Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir as a democratic and sovereign State

Demonstration in Kotli against Pakistan's Gilgit-Baltistan Package
JKLF's protest, against Gilgit-Baltistan Package, in Kotli. Protest led by JKLF Publicity Secretary Dr. Toqeer Gilani, Member CEC Chaudry Yousuf and JKLF senior leader Sajid Siddiqui.

Is Pakistan in a position to face new front? By Chairman SLF
By: Raja Ghulam Mujtaba **

More ever this package inflicts a brutal wound upon Kashmir’s Freedom Movement. In fact this makes Pakistani Govt. at par with Indian Government. This hideous conspiracy is an off-shoot of Gen (R) Pervez Musharraf’s four point agenda and back channel diplomacy which is completely un-acceptable for the people of Jammu Kashmir. There is also a limit for Pakistani government and other authorities to interfere in State unit as they have made a commitment in United Nations to give Right of Self-determination to the people of entire State of Jammu Kashmir. When we say Jammu Kashmir State it clearly means that Gilgit Baltistan is the part of the State like other areas as Jammu and Kashmir. Ignorance of this historical background would be harmful for Pakistan and it can spoil the say of Pakistani state on international level about Kashmir Issue. The state of Pakistan can be called as fraudulent State, as she is bypassing international rules and laws.
So in these circumstances it is better to re-united Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir to form a sovereign and democratic state. This sovereign State must be headed by a revolutionary government having two autonomous Provinces Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan. It should be the representative Government of the people of entire State of Jammu Kashmir so that it may speed up the people’s freedom movement on both National and International level. Otherwise there must be a government, more democratic, powerful and sovereign than the Government of Azad Kashmir, in Gilgit Baltistan having an elected president, Prime Minister, Supreme Court and Independent election Commission. Current status of Gilgit Baltistan is not acceptable, not only for the people of Gilgit Baltistan but also for the people of other areas of the state. The stake holders of State are no doubt that current package is a step forward to divide the State of Jammu Kashmir into pieces. This opinion of the people is not only harmful but a great disaster for Pakistan as Pakistan is facing much of problems these days. This decision will boost up the people of State to open a new field for Pakistan in her neighbor. Is Pakistan in this position to face a new front?
**Raja Ghulam Mujtaba is the current Chairman of Jammu Kashmir Students Liberation Front (JKSLF) and can be rached at JKSLF1987@gmail.com
Friday, 11 September 2009
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Saturday, 5 September 2009

Dr. Toqeer Geelani appointed as Publicity Secretary of JKLF
Islamabad: September 04, 2009:
Dr. Syed Toqe
er Geelani has been appointed as Publicity Secretary of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front –JKLF- for next tenure of 4 Years. This appointment was made by Supreme Head of JKLF Mr. Amanullah Khan using his special powers given to him by Central Executive Committee (CEC) of JKLF. Chairman of JKLF administered the oath to Mr. Geelani in a function held today in Rawalpindi. Among others, Mr. Amanullah Khan and a number of JKLF and SLF members including Ex. Chairman JKSLF Raja Mazhar Iqbal Adv., Chairman JKSLF Raja Ghulam Mujtaba, Secretary Finance JKLF Manzoor Ahmed Khan, President JKLF District Poonch Sardar Hamid Khan, Waheed Azam Chaudry, Taimur Hussain Chughtai and Asif Mughal were also present there.
Dr. Toqeer Geelani has also been Chairman of Students wing of JKLF and Chairman of Muthida Talba Mahaz Azad Kashmir (MTM), an umbrella organisation of student’s groups in Azad Kashmir.
Speaking on the occasion, Toqeer Geelani said that he will try his level best to perform his duty to strengthen the ideology of JKLF. He further said JKLF has a very important role to play especially in the unfolding events of Gilgit-Baltistan.
Manzoor Ahmed Khan
Publicity Secretary, JKLF
Dr. Syed Toqe

Dr. Toqeer Geelani has also been Chairman of Students wing of JKLF and Chairman of Muthida Talba Mahaz Azad Kashmir (MTM), an umbrella organisation of student’s groups in Azad Kashmir.
Speaking on the occasion, Toqeer Geelani said that he will try his level best to perform his duty to strengthen the ideology of JKLF. He further said JKLF has a very important role to play especially in the unfolding events of Gilgit-Baltistan.
Manzoor Ahmed Khan
Publicity Secretary, JKLF
Friday, 4 September 2009

JKLF Central Committee Meeting Decisions and Press Release
JKLF Central Executive Committee meeting was held in Rawalpindi today (4th Sep. 2009) Following is the press release issued after the meeting and RESOLUTIONS adopted by the CEC. Click here to read the english version of this press release

JKLF Proposes a Revolutionary Govt for Azad Kashmir & Gilgit-Baltistan
Islamabad, 4 September 2009:
The Gilgit Baltistan Package presented by Government of Pakistan on 29th of August 2009 has been forthrightly rejected by Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF). JKLF Demands to unite Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir as a sovereign and democratic state. The sovereign State will be headed by a revolutionary government having two autonomous Provinces Azad Kashmir and Gilgit. The government will represent and expedite the people’s freedom movement on both national and international level. JKLF also put forward a temporary option to form a government in Gilgit Baltistan having an elected president, Prime Minister, Supreme Court and Independent election Commission. This government by virtue of its nature will be more democratic than the existing Puppet Government of Azad Jammu Kashmir.
JKLF accuses the Government of Pakistan that their proposed Gilgit Baltistan package is merely entangling the people of Gilgit Baltistan in a knot of deceptive words. The Govt. of Pakistan is filling a new bottle with old wine pushing a failed formula under a new flashy disguise.
Under this package the people of Gilgit will suffer mass populace enslavement under an imposed governor, similar to the viceroy of the British Raj in the subcontinent. This would become the worst form of colonization in present day.
This package inflicts a severe wound upon Kashmir’s Freedom Movement. In fact this makes Pakistan Govt. at par with Indian Government. This hideous conspiracy is an off-shoot of Gen (R) Pervez Musharraf’s four point agenda and back channel diplomacy which is completely un-acceptable by the people of Jammu Kashmir.
“JKLF and the people of Kashmir would resist and fight against all conspiracies till the end”. This announcement was made by chairman Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) during a press conference here at National Press Club Islamabad.
JKLF announced to launch a nationwide mass mobilization campaign. This campaign will systematically expose all the conspiracies and prepare the masses to take things into their own hands, retaliate and defeat all conspiracies.
JKLF is preparing a platform to re-unite the people of Indian held Jammu Kashmir, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan.
JKLF Mass Mobilization campaign is into four phases.
Phase 1:- On the 11th of September 2009 JKLF will organize protest demonstrations and rallies throughout Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan against giving Gilgit Baltistan defecto provincial Status.
Phase 2:- JKLF will meet different political and social organizations and conduct seminars and press conferences in Azad Kashmir, Gilgit Baltistan and Pakistan.
Phase 3:- JKLF will stage protest rallies in front of Pakistani diplomatic missions in London, New York, Brussels, Hong Kong and Madrid.
Phase 4:- JKLF, on 22nd of October, will conduct a long march towards parliament house Islamabad and a sit in demonstration demanding the following;
1. The cancellation of the 28th April 1949 Karachi agreement.
2. The cancellation of interim constitutional act. 1974 of AJK.
3. The cancellation of 29th August 2009, Gilgit Baltistan package.
4. Re-unification of Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir as a democratic and sovereign State.
Chairman JKSLF
Office: +92-51-4425689
Fax: +92-51-4450414
Mobile: +92-333-5758417
The Gilgit Baltistan Package presented by Government of Pakistan on 29th of August 2009 has been forthrightly rejected by Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF). JKLF Demands to unite Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir as a sovereign and democratic state. The sovereign State will be headed by a revolutionary government having two autonomous Provinces Azad Kashmir and Gilgit. The government will represent and expedite the people’s freedom movement on both national and international level. JKLF also put forward a temporary option to form a government in Gilgit Baltistan having an elected president, Prime Minister, Supreme Court and Independent election Commission. This government by virtue of its nature will be more democratic than the existing Puppet Government of Azad Jammu Kashmir.
JKLF accuses the Government of Pakistan that their proposed Gilgit Baltistan package is merely entangling the people of Gilgit Baltistan in a knot of deceptive words. The Govt. of Pakistan is filling a new bottle with old wine pushing a failed formula under a new flashy disguise.
Under this package the people of Gilgit will suffer mass populace enslavement under an imposed governor, similar to the viceroy of the British Raj in the subcontinent. This would become the worst form of colonization in present day.
This package inflicts a severe wound upon Kashmir’s Freedom Movement. In fact this makes Pakistan Govt. at par with Indian Government. This hideous conspiracy is an off-shoot of Gen (R) Pervez Musharraf’s four point agenda and back channel diplomacy which is completely un-acceptable by the people of Jammu Kashmir.
“JKLF and the people of Kashmir would resist and fight against all conspiracies till the end”. This announcement was made by chairman Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) during a press conference here at National Press Club Islamabad.
JKLF announced to launch a nationwide mass mobilization campaign. This campaign will systematically expose all the conspiracies and prepare the masses to take things into their own hands, retaliate and defeat all conspiracies.
JKLF is preparing a platform to re-unite the people of Indian held Jammu Kashmir, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan.
JKLF Mass Mobilization campaign is into four phases.
Phase 1:- On the 11th of September 2009 JKLF will organize protest demonstrations and rallies throughout Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan against giving Gilgit Baltistan defecto provincial Status.
Phase 2:- JKLF will meet different political and social organizations and conduct seminars and press conferences in Azad Kashmir, Gilgit Baltistan and Pakistan.
Phase 3:- JKLF will stage protest rallies in front of Pakistani diplomatic missions in London, New York, Brussels, Hong Kong and Madrid.
Phase 4:- JKLF, on 22nd of October, will conduct a long march towards parliament house Islamabad and a sit in demonstration demanding the following;
1. The cancellation of the 28th April 1949 Karachi agreement.
2. The cancellation of interim constitutional act. 1974 of AJK.
3. The cancellation of 29th August 2009, Gilgit Baltistan package.
4. Re-unification of Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir as a democratic and sovereign State.
Chairman JKSLF
Office: +92-51-4425689
Fax: +92-51-4450414
Mobile: +92-333-5758417
Thursday, 3 September 2009

Gilgit-Baltistan Package contrary to UN Resolutions on Kashmir
Gilgit-Baltistan is an integral part of Jammu Kashmir State and the autonomous package declared by Pakistan g
overnment for Gilggit-Baltistan is a first step to make it country’s fifth province. This is contrary to UN resolutions on Kashmir issue and against the Pakistan’s own constitution.
In a statement issued from Srinagar, Senior Vice Chairman of JKLF SM Afzal said that despite differences, all the political parties in Kashmir unanimously agree that division of Kashmir will not be accepted. He said that Pakistan should refrain from taking such steps that will damage the freedom struggle in Kashmir. SM Afzal further said that Pakistan and Kashmir should stop treating over 17 million Kashmiris as dumb-driven cattle.
JKLF also appealed the people of India and Pakistan not to let a solution not based on the freely expressed will of the people of entire Jammu Kashmir State be imposed on the Kashmiris
Andleeb Kashmiri
Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF)
Sun Head Office, Srinagar

In a statement issued from Srinagar, Senior Vice Chairman of JKLF SM Afzal said that despite differences, all the political parties in Kashmir unanimously agree that division of Kashmir will not be accepted. He said that Pakistan should refrain from taking such steps that will damage the freedom struggle in Kashmir. SM Afzal further said that Pakistan and Kashmir should stop treating over 17 million Kashmiris as dumb-driven cattle.
JKLF also appealed the people of India and Pakistan not to let a solution not based on the freely expressed will of the people of entire Jammu Kashmir State be imposed on the Kashmiris
Andleeb Kashmiri
Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF)
Sun Head Office, Srinagar
Wednesday, 2 September 2009

JKLF rejects self-rule package for Gilgit-Biltistan
(London, 2 S
ep 2009) Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) has made it clear that Gilgit Baltistan is an integral part of Jammu and Kashmir State and any step aimed at dividing it permanently will be resisted by Kashmiri people all around the world.
A special meeting of JKLF London branch was held in London to discuss the Pakistan government’s recent self-rule package for Gilgat-Biltistan. In a statement issued after the meeting, it said that the so called self-rule package for Gilgit Baltistan is an attempt by Pakistan Government to make it fifth province of the country and first step to divide Kashmir. The members present demanded the package to be reversed as soon as possible and Pakistan should not bring itself to India’s level.
The meeting also concluded that over the years Pakistan has lost its Kashmir case in United Nations mainly due to unjust Kashmir policy by Pakistan’s respective governments and their colonial behaviour towards parts of Kashmir controlled by them.
JKLF London branch also endorsed the stand taken by Veteran Kashmiri Leader and Supreme Head of JKLF, Mr Amanullah Khan, in which he said that the move had robbed the special status of Kashmiris in Pakistan and this move will harm the interests of both Pakistan and Kashmiris.
The meeting was addressed by Mahmood Faiz (Branch President), Javaid Rashid, Mahmood Hussain, Zafar Sharif, Sanawar Hussain, Shakoor Chaudry and Nadeem Iqbal.
Javaid Rashid,
Secretary, JKLF (London Branch)

A special meeting of JKLF London branch was held in London to discuss the Pakistan government’s recent self-rule package for Gilgat-Biltistan. In a statement issued after the meeting, it said that the so called self-rule package for Gilgit Baltistan is an attempt by Pakistan Government to make it fifth province of the country and first step to divide Kashmir. The members present demanded the package to be reversed as soon as possible and Pakistan should not bring itself to India’s level.
The meeting also concluded that over the years Pakistan has lost its Kashmir case in United Nations mainly due to unjust Kashmir policy by Pakistan’s respective governments and their colonial behaviour towards parts of Kashmir controlled by them.
JKLF London branch also endorsed the stand taken by Veteran Kashmiri Leader and Supreme Head of JKLF, Mr Amanullah Khan, in which he said that the move had robbed the special status of Kashmiris in Pakistan and this move will harm the interests of both Pakistan and Kashmiris.
The meeting was addressed by Mahmood Faiz (Branch President), Javaid Rashid, Mahmood Hussain, Zafar Sharif, Sanawar Hussain, Shakoor Chaudry and Nadeem Iqbal.
Javaid Rashid,
Secretary, JKLF (London Branch)
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