The Siege of Jammu and Kashmir continues….
The Siege of Jammu and Kashmir continues….
Excellency Mr Antonio Guterres the Secretary General of the United Nations. It is two years since the annexation and bifurcation of Jammu Kashmir by India’s Modi Govt, the collective suffocation and strangulation of the Kashmiris continues unabated through India’s vindictive and oppressively malicious political, and military policies in the illegally reoccupied Jammu Kashmir.
last year on the 1st anniversary of the illegal reoccupation by India of Jammu and
Kashmir- generally referred to as Kashmir, we wrote to you on the consequences
of the siege imposed by India following her naked aggression against Kashmir on
5 August 2019. It is sadly ironic that the
very state which presides over the UNSC for the month of August 2021, ran coach
and horses through 23 UN resolutions, and arrogantly disregarded
responsibilities entrusted to her by the United Nations’ august body- the
Security Council, to ensure a transparent and democratic plebiscite in
accordance with the UN Charter, and the applicable UN resolutions, to ascertain
the will of the people on the status of their mother land- Jammu and Kashmir.
the contents of the letter we wrote to you on 5 August 2020, are reproduced
here in full as an open letter with
a brief update on yet another year of the woes inflicted by India’s siege and
reoccupation on the defenceless Kashmiris with greater intensity, vindictiveness
and callous political, economic
marginalisation, and collective strangulation, especially in the greater valley
of Kashmir itself, the Pir Panjal region, and the Chenab valley, three regions
of the state, that contain more than ten million people of the Indian occupied
part of the State. For the past two years India has turned the illegally
reoccupied Kashmir into a gigantic open prison in which millions of people are
under siege whose each breath is controlled by around 900,000 India’s military and paramilitary soldiers.
freedom of movement within and out of the occupied territory is curtailed for
Kashmiris. In order to obtain a passport in the illegally reoccupied Kashmir of
2021 a Kashmiri is expected to have lived a secluded and monastic existence,
and throughout his/her life should not
have uttered a word or participated in any activity such as a protest march about
any aspect of social, political and economic aspects of Kashmir; it is only
then that he/she would be considered a model citizen to be allowed to have an
Indian passport to travel. Heavily controlled press and media in the Indian
occupied Kashmir for 1st August 2021 can be checked on the new verification
rules for Kashmiris wishing to obtain an Indian passport to travel.
this is the state of affairs that pertains in the Indian illegally reoccupied
Kashmir at a time when as a non-permanent member of the UNSC, India President
ship of the UNSC for the month of August 2021. This truly reflects the real
meaning of the phrase poacher becoming a game keeper!
the only ray of comfort since last year,
is the cessation of hostilities on 25 February 2021 between armies of India and
Pakistan deployed eye-ball to eye-ball across the five hundred miles long
ceasefire line- CfL since 1947. Both countries have strictly controlled
movement across the CfL for separated families and indeed Kashmiris in general
to move across the CfL freely in what Kashmiris consider as their own country. Based
on policies of India and Pakistan it is widely suspected by Kashmiris on both
sides of the CfL that the cessation of hostilities across the CfL could well be
a prelude to disregard the plebiscite, and turn the CfL into a formal border
over the heads of 22 million citizens of the State residing on both sides of
the divide, and in the diaspora. If that be the intention of India and Pakistan
to settle the issue with permanent division of Kashmir, such an outcome without
a doubt will not be welcomed by the Kashmiris.
of resolving the long standing issue with a free, fair, transparent and
democratic plebiscite under the auspices of the United Nations, formalising
division and annexation of Kashmir by either one or both of the countries, will
not constitute a democratic solution as such an enforced method would be against
fundamental, inherent and inalienable unfeterred sovereign right of the Kashmiris to self-determination; and would
also contravene the UN’S mandate
entrusted to India and Pakistan under UNSC and UNCIP resolutions.
Excellency India has blatantly reneged on her
solemn pledges and commitments made with Kashmiris, and the United Nations, and
yet she demands a permanent seat on the UNSC to become a keeper, despite being
a poacher by defying the UN over Kashmir. We very much hope however, that
Pakistan will not move away from its UN mandated role over the
Kashmir issue, and will not follow India by integrating territories of the
state that it controls directly in Gilgit Baltistan-GB- and indirectly in Azad
Jammu and Kashmir-AJK.
resolution of the Kashmir issue/ dispute, conflict is without a doubt, central
to unlocking the full human potential of 1.5 billion inhabitants of South Asia.
The Kashmiris desire peace, in fact Kashmiris demand peace with justice and
dignity so that as a free people Kashmiris also prosper and contribute in unleashing
the boundless energy and the spirit to
achieve which is embedded in the culture of enterprise among the diverse people
of Kashmir . Being sandwiched between two nuclear powers who have not overcome
hostility against each other however, has inevitably inhibited our progress,
prosperity and spirit of innovation and achievement.
the policies of successive Indian governments have always been hostile to
Kashmir’s identity, history and the desire to be free. In the BJP led government
however, the level of political, ideological and authoritarian venom and
vindictiveness towards Kashmir, and its free spirit, and the right to
self-determination, has been unprecedented. Since coming to power in 2014 the Modi
led BJP government has taken away everything which defines the historic, social
and cultural identity of the State of Jammu and Kashmir. It continues to
dismantle the institutions and laws of the State that have defined its
collective and individual character and made Jammu Kashmir as a beacon of
communal harmony and affirmation and respect across faiths and diverse
communities of the State within South Asia.
the Modi Govt has banned political parties like the JKLF and the Jamat-e-Islami.
The political leaders committed to a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir issue
are illegally incarcerated with trumped up charges. The Chairman of the Jammu
Kashmir Liberation Front Mr Yasin Malik for example is accused of supporting
militancy, which he gave up more than twenty five years ago to embark upon a
political and peaceful revolutionary struggle for the right of his people to self-determination.
Mr Yasin Malik seeks active and constructive participation of India and
Pakistan along with the Kashmiris under the auspices of the UN for a just and
equitable resolution of the Kashmir conflict.
there is no political space in the Indian illegally reoccupied Kashmir. Mr
Modi’s BJP government is more interested in colonial settler project in Kashmir
to reduce the majority Muslim population of State into an inconsequential
minority by the next Indian general election in 2024. He does not appear to
worry about the economic woes of the Kashmiris, whose economic situation has
not improved at all since 2014. He is also not interested in the communal
cleavage his policies are creating in Kashmir as this suits his political and
ideological majoritarian Hindutva agenda for India even though it is having a
grave impact on the diverse socio- cultural and political fabric of Kashmir.
we strongly urge you to impress upon the Indian government for an early release
of Mr Yasin Malik, Mr Shabir Shah, Ms Aasiya Andrabi, and other Kashmiri
political prisoners from detention. Mr Malik and others are part of the
solution, and must be engaged with for a resolution of the conflict, that would
unleash new era of peace, and prosperity for the entire South Asian region and
Zafar Khan
Chairman- Diplomatic Bureau of
Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front-JKLF
International Secretariat
119-123 Cannon Street Road
(Basement North)
London E1 2 LX
Email: zafargk@aol.com
Central Information Office-CIO:
B-144 Satellite Town Murree
Road Rawalpindi Pakistan.
His Excellency Mr Antonio Guterres, United
Nations Secretary General
Her Excellency Ms Michelle Bachelete UN High Commissioner on Human Rights
Excellency Mr Antonio Guterres
Nations Secretary General
HQ 1st Avenue at 46th Street
York, NY 10017 USA.
August 2020
Dear Excellency,
A year on - the Siege in Kashmir-
Exactly a year ago today on 5 August 2019,
India abolished articles 370 and 35A of its Constitution, and annexed the State
of Jammu Kashmir (generally referred to as Kashmir), and created two union
territories of Ladakh, and that of Jammu and Kashmir to be ruled from Delhi.
This was done in a veil of secrecy, and with the arrest of political opponents including
JKLF Chairman Mr Yasin Malik, under the draconian Public Safety Act PSA. Jaamat-e-Islami,
and the pro independent JKLF were banned under the Unlawful Activities
Prevention Act UAPA on 22 March 2019.
Despite international commitments,
domestic legal and constitutional obligations, India began the dissolution of
Jammu Kashmir State in earnest while its political status, remained to be
determined through a plebiscite, in accordance with the relevant resolutions
and the Charter of the United Nations. The illegal act of the Indian government
not only betrayed Kashmiris, India also snubbed the international community, as
she defied many UN resolutions on Kashmir. With annexation India decided to take
away centuries old heritage and identity of
all the people of the State. 5 August 2019 therefore, will be remembered by
Kashmiris as their nakba- catastrophe.
Excellency the following UN resolutions
122 of 24 January 1951, 123 of 21 February 1957, and 126 of 2 Dec 1957, are a
clear reminder that unilateral action to change disposition of Kashmir was
prohibited. Despite the emphatic prohibition, India did exactly the opposite
with the internationally disputed State. India’s decision to dismember, and
annex the three provinces of Kashmir under her occupation, is a flagrant breach
of trust by India on her solemn international obligations, and grievous aggression
against Kashmir and its people.
Leading up to the illegal action India
made certain that opponents of its undemocratic, and sinister machinations,
were put behind bars. Mr Yasin Malik in particular, who as well as being head
of the JKLF, was also one of the three leaders of the Joint Resistance
Leadership the JRL, was arrested on 22 February 2019 from his residence in
Srinagar. Currently he remains incarcerated in solitary confinement at the
Tihar Jail in Delhi. With fabricated
and politically motivated cases, he is accused of ‘terror funding’. Thirty year
old cases have been opened up against him, to remove, or even eliminate him, as
a prominent leader of political dissent and resistance in Kashmir.
The manner of Indian leadership’s
manipulation of the situation, through misinformation, deception, incarceration
of Mr Yasin Malik, banning of the JKLF, clearly demonstrates that the Modi government
is not at all interested, in a negotiated, and peaceful solution of the issue.
And has embarked upon a pernicious and calculated scheme to silence Mr Yasin
Malik, and other leaders, who are part of the solution, as indeed they advocate
for a just, and equitable resolution of the seventy three year old issue.
Excellency India negotiated with the government
of Kashmir in 1949 to agree on a special status for Kashmir within the Indian
union. Article 370 was created in its constitution to formalise the special
status, and affirm spheres of responsibility between the two governments that
were part of the conditional accession of Kashmir with India. The accession however,
was contingent upon the UN supervised Plebiscite, which is yet to take place,
for the final status of the disputed State. India’s responsibility was confined
to defence, foreign affairs and communications, while other areas of governance,
remained with Kashmir. It is pertinent to note that section 1 (c) of article
370 is explicit, in that article 1 of the Indian constitution applies to
Kashmir, only through article 370. In other words it is article 370, which
provided a ‘legal’ basis for the relationship that the Indian union had with Kashmir
and vice versa.
Article 35A was added to India’s constitution
in 1954, and it empowered Kashmir’s Legislature to define rights of residence
and citizenship. Kashmiris however, had secured these rights through their pre-1947
struggles, and were protected by these State Subject Rules since 1927. Addition
of article 35A in India’s constitution simply affirmed the State Subject Rules.
With revocation of article 35A India has brought in new illegal domicile rules,
which have opened up flood gates to allow residency, employment, and property
ownership rights to non-Kashmiris.
Unilateral abolition of articles 370 and
35A without approval of the Legislative Assembly of Jammu and Kashmir, which
Modi government conveniently dissolved in 2018, let alone convening of a
Constituent Assembly as is the legal requirement to abolish these articles,
clearly means that Kashmir has reverted
to its political position prior to its conditional accession with India. In
other words abrogation of article 370 has rendered Kashmir an independent country, which is under India’s illegal and colonial
rule since 5 August 2019. However, the past year has been a traumatic period in
the lives of Kashmiris, with the social, political and economic consequences of
the annexation.
Excellency UN has a duty of care towards
Kashmiris, not only to protect their democratic, social, economic, cultural and
religious heritage, as well as their fundamental human rights, but to ensure territorial
integrity of their homeland- Jammu Kashmir. The ongoing situation can only be
described as an upheaval, and as pointed out above, nothing short of a
catastrophe or a nakba, which has been deliberately imposed on the helpless
Kashmiris, the magnitude of which, Kashmiris have not felt since 1947.
People are deliberately deprived of
communications and internet services, not because there is a threat to India’s
enormous and unaccountable military, and bureaucratic power in Kashmir, but
rather through use of India’s unrestrained oppressive military and civil power,
which is part of its ‘operation all out’ policy to humiliate, and break the
spirit and trample the collective dignity of Kashmiri people.
As Kashmiris we strongly believe that the past
seventy three years have been full of oppression, betrayals, duplicity, and hypocrisy
by India, and indifference and abandonment
of our basic rights by the UN, and
the big powers. India’s decision of
5 August 2019, and subsequent siege enforced by aggressive militarised policy,
and the introduction of illegal ‘rules’ has rendered people of Kashmir voiceless. Kashmir valley in
particular, and the regions of Pir Panjal and the Chenab valley in general, are
under siege since 5 August 2019. People’s
miseries have increased many fold with additional restrictions imposed on them
under the cover of Covid-19 since March 2020.
While the population reels under the
impact of the twin lockdown since March 2020, sinister scheme hatched against
the Kashmiris in Delhi, is being implemented in full spate. Covid-19
restrictions add to existing physical and psychological hardships on the people;
and the Covid-19 pandemic is conveniently used to bring in thousands of Indians
as part of Modi government’s Hindutva project, to affect demographic change in
The manifest Indian policy is to open up
Kashmir for Indian settlers, and dilute and obliterate century’s old character
and heritage of Kashmiri society, through domicile rules. Abolition of articles
35A and 370 has enabled Indian government to set in motion processes to achieve
its nefarious objectives with impunity. Inevitably new domicile rules will
disenfranchise, and dispossess the Muslim majority in the State. Hindutva project therefore, seeks the
decimation of indigenous Muslim majority by turning it into a non-entity, or an
inconsequential minority, not only to settle the Kashmir issue, but to also
keep the majoritarian politics galvanised, and radicalised in India itself for
electoral gains.
The identities, and heritage of non-Muslim
communities like the powerful Dogras of Jammu, and the Pandit minority of the valley
of Kashmir, will also be severely affected because of their shared identity,
history and heritage with Muslims of the State, rather than with the Hindus of
Bihar, Maharashtra or any other part of India. The Hindutva settler project is a multifaceted act of socio- cultural, and political genocide against
the entire State’s common heritage, and presents an existential threat to Jammu
Kashmir and all of its peoples
including those in Ladakh.
Kashmir’s economy has incurred unprecedented
losses of 5.3 billion dollars in the period since August 2019. Systematic
violations of human rights with mass illegal arrests and detentions, have also
taken place of civilians including children, civil society, and political
leaders, with the misuse of India’s most draconian laws like the Public Safety
Act (PSA) and the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act, (UAPA) to stifle dissent.
Excellency your own report in June 2020 on
“Children in Armed Conflict,” refers to 68 Kashmiri Children ranging from the
ages of 9 to 17 who had been arrested on national security related charges by
the Indian authorities after 5 august 2019. We respectfully beg to differ; our
belief is that the figure is much higher.
Only an impartial inquiry can arrive at
the true extent to which all ages of Kashmiris have borne the brunt of India’s
oppressive actions. The controls on the media in Kashmir are like a death blow
for independent reporting and freedom of expression. Over the past year local Kashmiri
journalists who dared to report on events as they happened, are booked and
incarcerated under PSA. The draconian PSA and UAPA are clearly the oppressive
weapons in India’s legal armoury, and have been used to deprive Mr Yasin Malik
of his liberty, and dozens of other prominent political and civil society leaders
like Mr Shabir Shah, Ms Aasiya Andrabi, and the lawyer Mian Abdul Qayoom who
has been released only few days ago but not allowed to enter Kashmir until 7
Excellency even before the 5 August 2019
decision by India’s government to revoke and unilaterally abolish legal and constitutional
arrangements between India and Kashmir, the OUNHCHR produced its second report
on the Human rights situation in Kashmir on 8 July 2019. Paragraphs 15 and 181
of the report, along with an opening text of recommendations to the UNHRC for
action, is reproduced here for your attention.
15. On 28 February 2019, the central
government declared religious-political organization Jamaate e Islami (Jammu
and Kashmir) an unlawful association under section 3(1) of the Unlawful
Activities (Prevention) Act 1967. On 22 March 2019, the central government
declared the pro-independence Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (Yasin
faction) an unlawful association. Political leaders in Jammu and Kashmir
criticized the ban on Jamaate-Islami and the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front
as an attack on civil liberties and one that would have a “major social impact”
in the state.
report highlights serious human rights violations and patterns of impunity in
Indian-Administered Kashmir and significant human rights concerns witnessed in
Pakistan-Administered Kashmir. As stated in OHCHR’s June 2018 report, there
remains an urgent need to address past and ongoing human rights violations and
to deliver justice for all people in Kashmir. OHCHR recommends: To the Human Rights
Council: “Consider the findings of this report, including the possible
establishment of a commission of inquiry to conduct a comprehensive independent
international investigation into allegations of human rights violations in
Excellency far from following up with
recommendations of OHCHR, and to “deliver justice for all people in
Kashmir” the UNHRC could not even rebuke the Indian government, on its outright
dismissal of the OHCHR’s reports and the use of disparaging terminology to
describe the UN report/s as “fallacious”, “tendentious”, and “politically
motivated”, while continuing with its sinister policy of ‘operation all out’ to
silence peaceful dissent, to ban political and social organisations, and to
imprison political leaders on false and politically motivated charges and
Excellency to dismantle and dissolve the
State of Jammu and Kashmir is a policy to humiliate and force the Kashmiris to
accept India’s colonial occupation. The question arises therefore, does the
UNHRC and the UNSC know or care, how many Kashmiris, including children and
women, are arbitrarily imprisoned since Kashmir was annexed and stripped of its
mutually agreed arrangements with India? And do the UN and the UNHRC have
obligations on the incarceration under PSA and UAPA of political leaders, who
are committed to a peaceful resolution of the long standing Kashmir issue?
And will the UNHRC in particular look the
other way, while India’s huge military acts with impunity under the legal
umbrella of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act -AFSPA- with unabated
militarised violence against the civilian population?
And indeed Excellency, being the custodian
of world’s conscience, shouldn’t the Secretary General of the UN not address
the fundamental and inalienable sovereign right of Kashmiri people to decide
about their future, and should you not hold India accountable as a member of
the UN for its conduct in Kashmir? Is the UN not at all concerned with the huge
presence in Kashmir of the Indian army, whose presence is inimical to the
fundamental interests of Kashmiris, and cannot be entrusted with their protection?
During the past thirty two years Indian forces have killed more than a hundred
thousand men, women and children; and the thousands who disappeared are most
likely to be buried in over 7,000 unmarked graves found throughout State.
Does the UNHRC and the UNSC not care about
the disappearances without trace of Kashmiris? Does the UN not care about
thousands of half widows in Kashmir? While India and its occupation machinery
is primarily responsible for inflicting miseries on the helpless Kashmiris, ultimately
the UN cannot be absolved of its legal and moral responsibility towards
protecting fundamental rights of the civilian population in accordance with the
UN Charter.
Daily clashes across the ceasefire line-CfL-
or the LoC as it is known since 1972, bring death and destruction to people on both
sides of the enforced divide between the confronting Indian and Pakistani
armies. Both armies are deployed in their thousands, and are entrenched
eye-ball to eye-ball across the CfL. Everyday life and livelihood of tens of
thousands of residents on both sides of the CfL has been a perpetual living
hell 24/7 for more than seven decades.
UN’s silence on these fundamental
questions, has meant that since 5 August 2019, and by end of June of 2020 more
than 25000 domicile certificates were issued, which is a tip of the iceberg as 400,000 domicile certificates have been
granted to the applicants since then as reported by the Kashmir Walla on 1 August 2020. The administration of the annexed State,
(which has steadily been divested of
high and middle ranking Kashmiri,
especially Muslim administrators) has been instructed by the Modi
government to continue issuing domicile certificates at breakneck speed. Officers
not complying with these instructions would be penalised and lose up to Rs 50,
000 from their salary.
Excellency at this rate of granting
domicile rights to Indians, Modi government could add at least two million Indians to Kashmir’s population. Undoubtedly
this will turn the majority into a threatened minority under the shadow of a
hostile colonial administration run from New Delhi. Excellency despite presence
of close to a million Indian troops who operate with complete impunity, Shesh Paul Vaid a recently retired
Police chief of Jammu Kashmir, advocated arming of the non-Muslim (Hindu) population,
which is a certain recipe for communal strife, and basis for genocide, which
Modi government seems to be planning for in the illegally annexed Kashmir.
Excellency in view of the on-going
situation, it is clear that the United Nations has failed people of Kashmir, by
abdication of its responsibility to protect both them and their homeland. And that
the Kashmiris have been abandoned, and left at the mercy of an oppressive,
undemocratic and draconian rule by India. We are deeply aggrieved at the indifference
of the United Nations, which could legitimately take action to protect
Kashmiris’ political, social, economic, cultural, and above all their basic
human right simply to exist, in their homeland.
Excellency the world must know and
recognise, that an iron curtain descended over Jammu Kashmir on 5 August 2019,
and therefore: we strongly urge,
that in your capacity, as the custodian of the world conscience, you call on
the Indian government to lift the year long Siege of Kashmir, and all the restrictions
imposed and enforced with immediate effect, and relieve the people of Indian
occupied Kashmir of the on-going physical, psychological and material suffering
and trauma, which they have endured since the imposition of the siege by
India’s government on 5 August 2019.
Excellency we urge you to call on India to withdraw thousands of its
military and para military troops from the cities, towns and villages of
Kashmir which are deployed to instil fear, and awe of the Indian state’s
oppressive power, rather than protection of the defenceless Kashmiris, and
their livelihood.
Excellency, massive violations of human
rights have taken place with deliberate and calculated policy of deprivations, privations,
physical, mental and psychological disorientation, as a callous means to humiliate
and undermine the collective dignity of more than ten million people.
You are strongly urged to ensure that
UNHRC sets up an independent and impartial commission
of inquiry, to ascertain the
extent of excesses committed by India’s occupation apparatus as a direct
consequence of the Modi government’s policy, and to ascertain:
a) The human rights violations of all
Kashmiris, but with specific reference to children, especially arrests and
incarceration of boys, women including treatment and cases of molestations and
ill treatment of females of all ages.
b) And to ascertain the impact of the Siege on young peoples’ education, and
mental, physical and psychological impact on people of all ages and gender.
c) We strongly urge your Excellency to call
upon the Indian government, for an immediate release of Kashmiri leaders
including Mr Yasin Malik, Mr Shabir
Shah, Ms Aasiya Andrabi and all political activists from incarceration. These
leaders are part of the solution in Kashmir, and their incarceration and
charges against them are politically motivated.
Excellency we strongly urge that you call upon
the India government to stop its policy of demographic change, withdraw its illegal domicile rules, and restore State Subject Rules with
immediate effect.
Excellency as you are aware, the State of
Jammu and Kashmir is neither part of India, nor of Pakistan, nor any other
country in the region. And under any understanding of pre and post partition
history of British India, Kashmir is not an integral part of India. The history of Jammu Kashmir’s conditional
accession with India on 26 October 1947 is well documented at the United
Nations since India itself took the matter of Kashmir’s future status to the UN
on 1 January 1948.
What is pertinent to affirm is that the Kashmir
dispute, is primarily to do with the determination of the erstwhile Kingdom’s
political status through a fair, transparent, and democratic referendum or
Excellency as Kashmiris we strongly
believe that the issue can only be resolved through the exercise by the Kashmiris,
of their sovereign right, to decide on the status of their homeland, under the
auspices of the United Nations, as is recognised in numerous UN resolutions on
the Kashmir issue.
We urge your Excellency as the Secretary
General of the UN, to uphold Kashmiris’ unfeterred sovereign right to decide,
and help the people of Kashmir to exercise their inherent and inalienable
sacred right as free people, so that the long standing issue of Kashmir’s
status is permanently resolved, and settled in the interest of peace, justice
and democracy.
We therefore strongly urge your Excellency
to ensure that:
a) India and Pakistan disengage their armies
across the ceasefire line-CfL- also known as the Line of Control-LoC- that has
forcibly divided the State of Jammu Kashmir, and separated its people for the
past 73 years.
b) We urge your Excellency to call upon
India and Pakistan to withdraw their armies as required under the UN resolutions,
and meet their respective commitments for the process to begin, for a
transparent and democratic referendum, to resolve the issue of Kashmir’s
permanent political status.
c) We assure your Excellency that as
Kashmiris, we desire nothing more than peace and prosperity in our enchantingly
beautiful, but oppressed and humiliated homeland; and that we desire for a
reunified Jammu Kashmir to be a bridge of peace, and a cross roads of
prosperity and amity in the region.
Zafar Khan. Chairman Diplomatic Bureau Jammu
Kashmir Liberation Front-JKLF
to: Her Excellency Ms Michelle Bachelete UN
High Commissioner on Human Rights