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Thursday, 30 September 2010

JKLF has declared to expand the “QUIT KASHMIR” movement to POK
Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), the founder and pioneering organization of the ongoing freedom struggle for re-unification and complete independence of Jammu Kashmir State, has declared to expand the “QUIT KASHMIR” movement, launched in Indian occupied parts of Kashmir to the Pakistani occupied parts of Kashmir known as Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan, so as to make it a strong unified voice of the entire Jammu Kashmir State. In this regard, to drive a popular support for a concerted movement, JKLF has decided a series of protest demonstrations in Pakistani occupied parts of Kashmir from Sept. 30, 2010 and sit-in programmes between Oct. 22 to Oct 27, 2010 at different places, close to the Cease-fire-Line. This was decided in the meeting of the JKLF Central Committee held in its Central Information Office at Rawalpindi , Chaired by by Amanullah Khan, the Chief Patron of the organization attended by many other leaders of JKLF.
In a press release issued from here, it is said that, against the unabated human rights violations by the Indian forces in her occupied parts of Kashmir, JKLF will hold a nation-wide protest demonstrations on Sept. 30, 2010 followed by series of public meetings from Oct. 01 to Oct. 20, 2010 at all District Headquarters, Colleges and University Campuses in Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan to drive the popular support for “Quit-Kashmir Movement” aimed at to express their strong will and determination and to consolidate the otherwise suppressed national aspirations for re-unification and complete independence of the entire State.
Meanwhile; in the light of Oct. 22, the day when in 1947 the Tribals of Pakistan, supported by Pakistani forces, entered into Jammu Kashmir to plunder and Oct. 27, the day when Indian forces dropped at Srinagar Airport pushing out the tribal forces and occupied Jammu Kashmir, with the result the State was divided between India and Pakistan; JKLF will hold “National Integration Restoration Week” from Oct. 21 to Oct 27, 2010 and as a mark of Protest against these invading foreign occupying forces in Jammu & Kashmir.
In this regard on Oct. 22, 2010 JKLF will hold a Protest Long-March from Khoiratta to Seeri in District Kotli followed by a Sit-In programme with a public meeting close to the Cease-Fire-Line known as the Line-of-Control at Seeri, while on Oct. 25, 2010 another Protest Long-March will take place from Hajeera to Teetrinote in District Rawalokat culminated by a Sit-In programme with public meeting close to the Cease-Fire-Line at Teetrinote. Similarly to culminate the “National Integration Restoration Week”, JKLF will hold another Protest Long-March on Oct. 27, 2010 from Muzaffarabad to Chakoti in District Muzaffarabd to be concluded with a Sit-In programme with a public meeting addresses close to the Cease-Fire-Line at Chakoti.
All these programmes are centrally focused and mainly aimed at to convey to the world at large and to the Govt. of Pakistan and India the strong will and determination and expression of Kashmiris’ national aspirations across the divide for re-unification and complete independence of the forcibly divided Jammu & Kashmir State .
In the meeting JKLF leaders strongly condemned the unabated human rights violation by the Indian forces and it was re-iterated that JKLF will continue to struggle till they achieve their cherished goal of national emancipation. Addressing the meeting Amanullah Khan, Chief Patron of the organization, saluting the unparalleled sacrifices and struggle by the new young generation said that JKLF is conscious about the fact that the present popular drive in the occupied Kashmir in support of the ongoing freedom struggle has provided us yet another golden opportunity to alarm the world-conscience to play her most wanted role in solving the Kashmir issue as per the wishes and national aspirations of the people of entire state of Jammu & Kashmir State.
Among other who attended the meeting included Sardar Mohammad Shoaib Khan, Sec. General JKLF; Kh. Saif-ud-Din, Head of the Policy & Planning Committee; Hafiz Anwar Samavi, Ex. Snr. Vice Chairman; Zahid Shaikh, Dy. Sec. General, Sajid Siddiqui, Chief Organiser, Dr. Toqeer Geelani, Publicity Chief; Raja Mazhar Iqbal, Head of Political Committee; Raja Ghulam Mujtaba Khan, Chairman, students wing of JKLF and Members of the Central Committee Advocate Abid Ayub, Chowdhary Mushtaq, Shams Kashmiri while Commander Suhail Kataria attended in the capacity of an observer.
Dr, Toqeer Geelani.
Publicity Chief, JKLF.
Wednesday, 29 September 2010

JKLF concerned over activities of outlawed Groups in POK
“We are concerned over recent activities of outlawed Jammat ud Dawa(JuD) and Jaish e Muhammad(JeM) with new name-TAK”, said Dr. Taqeer Gillani, spokesperson of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), which believes on peaceful resistance against India and Pakistan .
“The government should ban the activities of this new group as it is a conspiracy against the ongoing movement of Kashmir .”
Sunday, 26 September 2010
British Kashmiris Protested in 10 Downing Street against Human Rights Violations in Kashmir
Organized by British chapter of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), hundreds of protesters called on the British Prime Minister David Cameron and his deputy Nick Clegg to check the excesses that the Indian occupation forces have unleashed on the people of Kashmir over the past few months. The protesters also reminded the British Government that Britain being one of the largest arms suppliers to India , these same arms are being used against innocent civilians in Kashmir ; therefore British Government should review its arms pact with India .
Speaking on this occasion, Zonal President of JKLF in UK, Mr. Mahmood Hussain said that international community including Britain and other major nations have a moral obligation to play a pivotal role for a peaceful and lasting solution based on the democratic will of the people of Jammu Kashmir. He said that Kashmiri community in Britain want an honourable solution of the Kashmir issue based on the true aspiration of its people.
Addressing the demonstrators, Head of JKLF’s Diplomatic wing Prof. Zafar Khan said that since two decades Indian forces have killed over a hundred thousand people, overwhelming majority of who have been civilians, and many thousands of young men have simply disappeared without trace over these years while many thousands languish in Indian Jails. He urged British Prime Minister to take concrete steps in order to involve Indian Government for a meaningful dialogue with Kashmris over the future status of Kashmir . He reminded the Prime Minister that there are about 1.5 million Kashmiris living in Britain and they expect his Government to intervene in order to save precious lives in Kashmir .
A memorandum to British Prime Minister David Cameron was also handed over to officials at 10 Downing Street , London . The memorandum asked the UK Governments to play a pivotal role over future status of Jammu Kashmir. The memorandum stated that “In view of the ongoing state oppression in Indian held part of Jammu Kashmir, we wish to remind Her Majesty’s Government of its international obligations as a major world power over the current situation and the future political and constitutional status of Jammu Kashmir”.
Memorandum further stated that “We strongly urge your government to take serious steps in bringing the concerned parties namely, India , Pakistan and representatives of the Kashmiri people for a negotiated and peaceful solution to this 63 year old conflict. The UK government as permanent member of the UN Security Council, a leading member of the European Union and as Head of the Commonwealth, has a privileged position in world affairs to play a role for a peaceful settlement of Kashmir issue”
Others who also spoke were Haji Rauf Khan, Syed Tahseen Gilani, Ershad Malik, Ali Asghar, Prof. Shahid Iqbal, Khawaja Kabeer Ahmed and representatives of other political organisations in UK .
Khawaja Kabeer Ahmed
Secretary Information,
JKLF (UK ) Zone
Secretary Information,
Rt. Honourable Mr. David Cameron
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Dear Mr. Prime Minister,
Re: Seeking UK Governments role over future status of Jammu Kashmir
In view of the ongoing state oppression in Indian held part of Jammu Kashmir, we wish to remind Her Majesty’s Government of its international obligations as a major world power over the current situation and the future political and constitutional status of Jammu Kashmir.
For far too long, India has been responsible for unprecedented militarised violence against a defenceless populace in Indian occupied Jammu Kashmir by giving free hand to military and paramilitary forces which India has deployed in huge numbers in the territory.
The numbers of the forces including a myriad of paramilitary brigades and units are estimated to be around 700,000. This level of deployment of Indian military and paramilitary forces makes Indian occupied part of Jammu Kashmir the most militarised region anywhere in the world.
Since the late 1980s these forces have killed over a hundred thousand people, overwhelming majority of who have been civilians, and many thousands of young men have simply disappeared without trace over these years while many thousands languish in Indian Jails.
Over the past few weeks alone, scores of civilians have succumbed to the violent actions of the paramilitary forces not only in the Valley of Kashmir but also in others parts of Indian held Jammu Kashmir.
Since 2009 in particular, Indian forces have with complete impunity unleashed violence against peaceful mass demonstrators resulting in fatalities and serious injuries. The popular peaceful agitation by the Kashmiri masses is against the status quo and the forced division of their country between India and Pakistan since 1947.
Mr. Prime Minister India erroneously claims that the situation in Kashmir is an internal matter for the Indian state and that Jammu Kashmir is an ‘integral’ part of Indian Union. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Jammu Kashmir is an international issue concerning the rights and aspirations of around 15 million people of Jammu Kashmir which, since 1947 has been divided, forcibly between India and Pakistan . Two thirds of the erstwhile state is under Indian occupation while the remainder is under direct and indirect administration of Pakistan .
We would like to point out that Kashmir issue is not a territorial dispute between India and Pakistan , nor should it be considered as such. To do so would be to deny the inherent and inalienable right to self determination of 15 million people and such apposition would constitute a denial of over a dozen United Nation’ s Resolutions on the future disposition and status of Jammu Kashmir since 1948.
These U N Resolutions not only bind India and Pakistan, to a negotiated and peaceful settlement of the dispute based on the unfettered political and constitutional rights of the Kashmiri people, but also the international community including Britain, to ensure that such a settlement of the conflict was arrived at.
We strongly believe that the UK Government can play an important role in influencing the processes towards a just, lasting and democratic solution of the Kashmir dispute.
Mr. Prime Minister your remarks during your recent visit toIndia did very little unfortunately, to encourage India in particular and Pakistan to engage in a serious dialogue with the Kashmiris for a peaceful solution over the conflict. If anything your remarks caused concerns and dismay among the Kashmiri Diaspora communities in the UK as your position has been seen supporting Indian policy and violent methods of its occupation forces in Kashmir .
Mr. Prime Minister your remarks during your recent visit to
We are of the firm belief that good relations between India and Pakistan are a pre requisite for peace and prosperity in South Asia . The key to unleash peace in the subcontinent however, lies in a just and lasting resolution of the issue based on a democratic and people centric solution of the conflict.
We also wish to reiterate our strong belief that we wish Kashmir to be a bridge of peace and friendship between India and Pakistan rather that a bone of perpetual contention and conflict between the South Asian nuclear powers.
We strongly urge your government to take serious steps in bringing the concerned parties namely, India , Pakistan and representatives of the Kashmiri people for a negotiated and peaceful solution to this 63 year old conflict. The UK government as permanent member of the UN Security Council, a leading member of the European Union and as Head of the Commonwealth, has a privileged position in world affairs to play a role for a peaceful settlement of Kashmir issue.
On behalf of the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front
Mahmud Husain (President of JKLF’s British Chapter.)
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Protest in Finland (Helsinki) against Human Rights Violations in Kashmir.
Members and Supporters of JKLF in Finland gathered in front of Indian Embassy Helsinki Finland and protested against human rights violations in Kashmir . Protest organized by Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front Finland Branch and led by its president in Finland Tanveer Chaudry.
Protesters shouted slogans against Human Rights abuses by Indian troops in Kashmir . The demonstrators were holding play cards and banners highlighting the deteriorating human rights situation in Kashmir .
Protesters shouted ` India stop killing in Kashmir , Indian forces leave Kashmir , India stop killing in our Children, We want freedom and Kashmiri’s want freedom’. The objective of the protest was to draw world attention towards the recent killings of Kashmiri youth, forced disappearances and custodial killings of innocent Kashmiri’s in Indian occupied territory.
Tanveer Choudhry
JKLF (Finland )
DATED: 24 September 2010 .
Honourable Dr. Manmohan Singh
Prime Minister of India
C/o The Indian Embassy Helsinki Finland
Respected Dr Manmohan Singh Aadab,
Re: Human Rights Violations and Killings of unarmed youth in Kashmir
This brief protest note is addressed to your Excellency on behalf of Kashmiri people living in Finland to reaffirm our strong resolve to support the struggle of Kashmir ’s for right of self determination. We express complete solidarity with our compatriots under Indian occupation, and strongly reject India ’s erroneous stance on Kashmir and occupation of an unwilling populace.
Our protest today at the Indian Embassy Helsinki Finland on the occasion when every day Indian Army is killing unarmed Kashmiri youth, is an attempt to remind the world community and your government to honour the sentiments of Kashmiri people and also honour the commitments that India had made to the people of Kashmir on the future status of the forcibly divided territory.
Your government rules Kashmir with an iron grip supported by an occupation force of well in excess of 800,000army and paramilitary troops. Over the past twenty years these occupation forces have killed more than one hundred thousand innocent men, women and children, while thousands of Kashmiri young men have disappeared without trace after having been abducted by military and civil authorities during this period. Over the past month ,around 2 dozen Kashmir youth have been killed by Indian army who were peacefully protesting. It certainly ill behoves a mature democracy like India- particularly if it wishes to seek a solution in Kashmir- that it is intolerant towards political forces which, disagree with its stance over Kashmir .
While JKLF’s ideology is unambiguous on reunified, independent and secular future Kashmir , we’ve always advocated Indo-Pak rapprochement. Its being part of a solution rather than conflict which is what we have espoused over the years. However unlawful killings of our youth, arbitrary arrests and disappearances of Kashmir ’s hardly inspire confidence in India ’s sincerity for peaceful way forward.
Tanveer Ahmed Choudhry Qari Muzaffar Iqbal Naeemi
President, JKLF Finland General Secretary
Friday, 24 September 2010
JKLF appealed to people in Britain to join Protest in London on 26th Sep. 2010
Time 26 September · 13:00 - 15:00
Location Number 10 Downing Street , London , United Kingdom
Organised by: Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) UK Zone
More info: JKLF has again organised a protest against Indian brutalism in Kashmir . This time the protest will be held in front of British Prime Ministers Office 10 Downing Street London on Sunday 26th of September 2010, (1 pm ).
We request all freedom loving people in Britain to participate in this protest and raise their voice against brutality, occupation and in favour of Kashmiris National emancipation.
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Friday, 17 September 2010

JKLF Condemns India's State Terrorism in Kashmir and Urged people in Britain to join Protest
JKLF has strongly condemned the recent wave of Indian brutality in Kashmir . In a statement issued from London , JKLF (UK Zone) described the ongoing unrest in Kashmir as India ’s state terrorism and India ’s genocide against Kashmiris. The statement condemned the Indian Governments track record of human rights in Kashmir and said that it reflects the institutional conspiracy by Indian government to harass and mass murder the people in order to suppress the popular voice for freedom. While blaming India for unrest in Kashmir , it said that it is the result of unjust and forcible occupation of state by Indian forces.
Mahmood Hussain urged people from all walks of life living in United Kingdom , especially the Kashmiri community in UK to participate in the demonstration to show their support and voice with the people of Kashmir .
JKLF reminded the world community that India must not be allowed to keep people of Jammu Kashmir in political servitude with an occupation force of 800,000 military and paramilitary soldiers. JKLF also appealed international community to intervene and make efforts to stop killings of innocent and unarmed Kashmiris by Indian forces.
Monday, 13 September 2010

JKLF to Protest in London Against Human Rights violations in Kashmir
JKLF has organised a protest against Indian brutality in Kashmir . This time the protest will be held in front of British Prime Ministers Office 10 Downing Street London on Sunday 26th of September 2010, (1 pm ).
We request all freedom loving people in Britain to participate in this protest and raise their voice against brutality, occupation and in favour of Kashmiris National emancipation.
Saturday, 11 September 2010

Mahmood Hussain officially declared as Councillor for Walthamstow (East London)
JKLF (UK Zone) President Mahmood Hussain has been officially declared as Councillor for Walthamstow (East London). Mahmood Hussain is one of the well respected members of JKLF in United Kingdom. He joined JKLF in 1980. We all members and office bearers of JKLF in UK Congratulate him.

KASHMIR ISSUE: The Most Equitable and Honourable Solution: (Amanullah Khan
The Most Equitable and Honourable Solution
Amanullah Khan, Patron-in-Chief Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF)
Note: The purpose of this series of articles on Kashmir Issue is twofold. Its first purpose is to present the history of Kashmir Issue in its true and factual perspective as much as possible. This has become a must because vested interests and the self-made direct and indirect claimants to the proprietorship of Kashmir and their pets and puppets in Kashmir have polluted the history of Kashmir in general and of Kashmir Issue in particular, so much so that after passage of 63 years, this adultered history looks almost undeniable. This is enough to mislead the new generation of Kashmir . The second purpose of these articles is to pinpoint a clear and achievable goal for the people of Jammu Kashmir State that can prove, as I see it, real national emancipation for them provided they make up their mind to achieve it come what may. What is equally important, the solution of Kashmir Issue proposed herein is in the best interests of India and Pakistan as well, as it will result in heralding the dawn of a really peaceful, prosperous and respectful future for them too. (Amanullah Khan)
Well about a dozen solutions to 63 years old Kashmir Issue have been proposed so far but none of them got implemented as either of the parties(and in some cases both) disagreed with them for different reasons though. These solutions included (1) The UN supervised plebiscite per UNCIP resolutions to determine the constitutional status of Jammu Kashmir State . (2) The Dixon Plan (3) Division of the State on religious basis (4) Settlement of the issue through negotiations between governments of India and Pakistan(5) Joint Control of India and Pakistan on the entire state(6) Complete independence of the whole state (7) Complete independence of Kashmir Valley and the rest of the State to go to India and Pakistan.(8) Making the present LoC permanent Indo-Pak border (9) Self Rule to all three regions (10) To give the entire State or part of it under UN Trusteeship for some time followed by a final settlement and Demilitarisation .
The proposed solutions including S.No.1 and 4 accepted by both India and Pakistan in the beginning could not be implemented due to opposition to them by one or the other party to the issue arguing, rightly or wrongly, that they were detrimental to their respective national interests. None-the-less there surely does exist a way to solve the issue without hurting the national egos or harming the legitimate national interests of India , Pakistan or Kashmir .
The Victory – for – all Solution
The solution of Kashmir problem that does not hurt the national egos or harm the legitimate interests of any of the three parties hence cannot and should not reasonably be rejected by any of them, is that it should be peaceful, equitable, democratic and honorable.
The only solution that fully meets all these criteria is (1) to re-unite the divided Jammu Kashmir State in several peaceful phases and after simultaneous withdrawal from there of all Indian and Pakistani armed and civilian personnel (2) make it temporarily though, a fully Independent State with a democratic (having a bicameral parliament) federal (Kashmir valley, Jammu, Ladakh, Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan as its provinces) and secular system of government (3) having compulsory friendly relations with all its neighbors with India and Pakistan in particular under the doctrine of peaceful co-existence. They should undertake not to violate the borders or interfere in the internal affairs of Kashmir and the latter should pledge not to let its territory or airspace to be used against any of her neighbors. Although it can be said with full surety that an overwhelming majority of the people will vote for perpetuation of the proposed type of independence, it is nevertheless a must to subject the matter to the freely expressed will of the people in order to make the solution really a democratic one. As such there be a free and fair referendum 15 years after independence, under international auspices in which Kashmiris will determine whether Kashmir should perpetuate its independence, become part of India or Pakistan or adopt any other course and that fair and democratic verdict of Kashmiri people be accepted by all concerned i.e. India, Pakistan all Kashmiris and international community, as the final settlement of the Issue and implemented.
This is the only solution of Kashmir ‘imbroglio’ that is not only peaceful, equitable, democratic and honorable, but can surely prove to be permanent and solve the problem once for all. Let us see how.
A study of the proposed solution makes it clear that all the steps to be taken towards its accomplishment will be peaceful. Moreover since the proposed independent Jammu Kashmir will have democratic , federal and secular system of government , the rights and interests of religious and cultural minorities will be safeguarded , hence there will be no communal or ethnic disturbances, no mass-migrations hence no bloodshed too, either during the transitional period or after that.
The proposed solution is equitable because it does not do any injustice to any of the parties to the issue but will, in the long run, be highly beneficial to all concerned. It does not do any injustice to India because it does not take away from her anything that belongs to her. Indian claim that Kashmir is India’s integral part by dint of Maharajas accession of the state to India, is baseless and unjustified firstly because the Maharaja had signed it at a time when he had lost control of the bulk of the State, and secondly because inspite of accepting Maharaja’s conditions for accession, India did not fulfill them nor did India fulfill her own pledge given at the time of conditionally accepting the accession of the State to India, the pledge of letting the people of the very State determine their own future later through democratic means. (Yet another unfair act on the part of Indian government, she sent troops to Kashmir before officially accepting, even receiving the Instrument of Accession from the Maharaja). And thirdly and most importantly, because after pledge given at UN Security Council on Jan. 15, 1948 and after accepting UNCIP resolution of August13, 1948 both of which provided that the future of the entire Jammu Kashmir State would be determined in accordance with the result of the UN supervised plebiscite in the State, Maharaja’s accession to India had become totally invalid, irrelevant and meaningless. As such asking India to leave the part of Kashmir under her unjustified control to its real owners, the people of Kashmir, does in no case amount to any kind of injustice to India hence the solution is equitable.
This solution does not do any injustice to Pakistan because under Indian Independence Act (IIA) of 1947 Two Nation Theory (that Muslim majority areas should become part of Pakistan and rest of free India) applied only to British India (part of the subcontinent under direct rule of the British) and not to the princely States (including Kashmir) whose future had to be determined by their hereditary rulers. Incidentally this provision of the IIA 1947 had been demanded by All India Muslim League, itself the very mother of Pakistan and the purpose was to pave the way for the Muslim ruler of the Hindu majority State of Hyderabad to declare complete independence of his State as desired by him. Moreover Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the president of Muslim League had himself accepted the right of the Maharaja of Kashmir to determine the future of his State. In his policy statement issued on July 11, 1947, the Quaid had said’ “ The second question that is engaging the attention of the Muslims of Kashmir is whether Kashmir is going to join the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan. I have already made it clear more than once that the Indian States are free to join either the Pakistan Constituent Assembly or Hindustan Constituent Assembly or remain independent. I have no doubt that the Maharaja and the Kashmir Government will give their closest attention and consideration to the matter and realize the interests not only of the Ruler but also of his people” (page 24 of the book ‘Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah: Speeches and Statements 1947-48’ published by Govt. of Pakistan).As such Jammu Kashmir does not ipso-facto become part of Pakistan just because it was a Muslim majority State. Therefore, asking Pakistan to accept independence of the entire State if Kashmiris so desire, does not amount to doing any kind of injustice to her.
The condition that the proposed independent Jammu Kashmir should have compulsory friendly relations and agreements of peaceful co-existence with its neighbors is meant to address the genuine concerns and apprehensions of India, Pakistan and Kashmir about their security and economics.
As for Jammu Kashmir itself, its complete independence will be, for absolute majority of its people, like their sweetest dream coming true. To make this solution more protective of people’s rights, the provisions of democratic, federal and secular system of government for the proposed independent Kashmir are to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the religious and cultural minorities hence could not amount to any kind of injustice to any section of the people of the entire State.
This solution will be equitable for international community because it will do away with the danger to world peace and smooth working of global economic order posed by continuous tension between two South Asian nuclear powers.
This solution of Kashmir issue will be equitable for all concerned because it will ultimately result in a very peaceful, prosperous and dignified future for all the three parties to the issue.
The solution will be democratic because the final settlement of the issue will be based on the unfettered and free will of the people of entire Jammu Kashmir State expressed through the proposed referendum to be held under international supervision fifteen years after re-unification and independence of the State.
The solution will be honorable for all the parties to the Issue particularly for India and Pakistan because (1) it will solve the Issue without hurting the national egos of India and Pakistan and without giving either of them a sense of defeat as neither of them will be required to handover to the other the part of Kashmir under her control (2) without harming the legitimate interests of either of them as independent Kashmir will be having compulsory friendly relations and agreements of peaceful co-existence with both of them. It will be honorable for the people of Jammu Kashmir because it will be they themselves and not outsiders, who will determine their future.
The solution will prove durable rather permanent firstly because it will be to reasonable satisfaction of all the three parties and secondly and more importantly because it will open the doors for a peaceful, prosperous and respectful future for all of them.
None of the other solutions of the Kashmir Issue proposed so far from any quarter is as peaceful, equitable, democratic, honorable and permanent for all parties to the issue i.e. Kashmiri people, Pakistan, India and even the international community. What is all the more important, this solution is sure to prove durable rather permanent hence will open the doors for a peaceful, prosperous and dignified future for the peoples and states in the entire region.

Amanullah Khan, Supreme Head, Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF)
B-144, Satellite Town , Murree Road , Rawalpindi
Tele fax: 92-51-4425689, Email, web.
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