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Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Saturday, 25 December 2010

Quid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah (The Founder of Pakistan)
“…with the termination of paramount, Indian states would be free to join either the Hindustan Constituent Assembly or the Pakistan Constituent Assembly or to remain independent…"
(Policy Statement issued June 16, 1947)
“…with the termination of paramount, Indian states would be free to join either the Hindustan Constituent Assembly or the Pakistan Constituent Assembly or to remain independent…"
(Policy Statement issued June 16, 1947)
“……The second question that is engaging the attention of the Muslims of Kashmir is whether Kashmir is going to join the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan. I have already made it clear more than once that the Indian states are free to join either the Pakistan Constituent Assembly or the Hindustan Constituent Assembly or to remain independent………”
Press Statement July 11, 1947
Press Statement July 11, 1947
“….. .The legal position is that with the lapse of paramountcy on the transfer of power by the British, all Indian States would automatically regain their full sovereignty and independent status. They are, therefore, free to join either of the two Dominions or to remain independent….”
Press Statement July 30, 1947
Press Statement July 30, 1947
Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru (The first Prime Minister of free India)
“Kashmir has been wrongly looked upon as a price for India or Pakistan. People seem to forget that Kashmir is not a commodity for sale or to be bartered. It has an individual existence and its people must be the final arbiters of their future……”
(Speech in All India Congress Committee on July 9, 1951)
“Kashmir has been wrongly looked upon as a price for India or Pakistan. People seem to forget that Kashmir is not a commodity for sale or to be bartered. It has an individual existence and its people must be the final arbiters of their future……”
(Speech in All India Congress Committee on July 9, 1951)
“……Whether she (Kashmir) should withdraw from her accession to India and either accede to Pakistan or remain independent with a right to claim admission as a member of the United Nations ….. all this we have recognized to be a matter for unfettered decision by the people of Kashmir……”
(Declaration in the Security Council Jan. 15, 1948 by Indian Representative G. S. Ayangar)
“……Whether she (Kashmir) should withdraw from her accession to India and either accede to Pakistan or remain independent with a right to claim admission as a member of the United Nations ….. all this we have recognized to be a matter for unfettered decision by the people of Kashmir……”
(Declaration in the Security Council Jan. 15, 1948 by Indian Representative G. S. Ayangar)
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, former President of Pakistan
“…..History has shown us that no right of self determination can be achieved by proxy …….if the people of Jammu Kashmir want their independence, if they want to be liberated………, if they want to be free people in fraternity and friendship and comradeship with Pakistan, they will have to give the lead and we will be with them……no matter what the consequences....” (Speech in the National Assembly, July 14, 1972)
“…..History has shown us that no right of self determination can be achieved by proxy …….if the people of Jammu Kashmir want their independence, if they want to be liberated………, if they want to be free people in fraternity and friendship and comradeship with Pakistan, they will have to give the lead and we will be with them……no matter what the consequences....” (Speech in the National Assembly, July 14, 1972)
Mohammad Nawaz Sharif (Former Prime Minister of Pakistan)
“……..I make it very clear that, of course, the right of self-determination means that let the Kashmiris decide as to what they want. This right of self-determination if exercised by the Kashmiris, of course, they have every right to decide whether they want to join Pakistan, they want to be independent or they want to join India…..”
(Interview with BBC in Tehran: Broadcast 2010,2200, 2230 hrs PST on Feb. 18, 1992)
“……..I make it very clear that, of course, the right of self-determination means that let the Kashmiris decide as to what they want. This right of self-determination if exercised by the Kashmiris, of course, they have every right to decide whether they want to join Pakistan, they want to be independent or they want to join India…..”
(Interview with BBC in Tehran: Broadcast 2010,2200, 2230 hrs PST on Feb. 18, 1992)
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Monday, 29 November 2010
JKLF Protest Against Pakistan Prime Ministers Visit to Rawalakot
Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front -JKLF- today protested against the visit of Pakistan Premier Syed Yousaf Raza Gilani. Protestorss included prominent figures of JKLF and its student wing appeared in Rawalakot and shouted slogans like "Go Back Go Back Yousaf Gilani Go Back" Go Back Go Back Manmohan Go Back". The protest was later addressed by Dr Toqeer Gilani.
Saturday, 27 November 2010

Appointment of Qurban Hussain as Peer a good Omen for Kashmiris: JKLF
Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) welcomes and congratulates Cllr Qurban Hussain on being appointed a peer in the House of Lords. It is indeed a great honour and privilege for a British Kashmiri'. We hope Mr Qurban Hussain will use his good offices, to further highlight the Issue of Kashmir, at national and international level according to the wishes of Kashmiri people.
JKLF UK Zone President Cllr Mahmood Hussain, Sec.UK Zone Tehsin Gilani, President Ch. Iqbal, Head of jklf Diplomatic Committee and spokesperson Prof Zafar Khan, Senior Jklf person Latif Khan, Press and and information Sec Khawaja Kabeer, Organiser m. Asghar, Ch, Yosef, Rauf Khan, Mushtaq Malik, Finance Sec. M. Rafiq, Zafar Junior, Kaman Afsar, Sanawar Hussain, javid Wasti, Zahid Hussain, M.Khawaja,Javid Rashid, M. Faiz, Sagheer Pasha,M. Sabir , Qari Ajaib, Bashir Bazaam, Prof Assim, and many other officials and members of Jammu Kashmir Liberation front UK zone extend their well wishes to Qurban Hussain
Tuesday, 23 November 2010

JKLF Welcomes Iran’s Stand on Kashmir
(London 23 November 2010 ) British Zone of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front -JKLF- has welcomed the statement made by Iran's Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on the rights of Kashmiri nation.
In a letter to the Iran ’s diplomatic mission based in London , President of JKLF in UK Cllr Mahmood Hussain has urged other nations to come out of their closets and take a stand towards the rights of Kashmiri people as recognised by the United Nations through various resolutions. It is their legal and moral obligation to take bold steps for the rights of oppressed nations. The people of Kashmir must be allowed to determine their future according to their wishes and aspirations.
While applauding the statement, the letter said that India has forcibly occupied the state and has over 70,000 armed troops stationed there who are committing and are actively engaged in massive gross human rights violations. The letter urged the Iranian Government to use its good offices to highlight genuine aspirations of Kashmiri people and human rights abuses on International forums.
The letter further said that in order for peace and prosperity in this region, immediate initiatives must be taken to pave way for a long lasting solution.
Secretary Information, JKLF (London Branch)
Monday, 22 November 2010
Friday, 19 November 2010

JKLF in IHK Condemns arrest of Zahoor Butt by Indian forces.
JKLF in Indian Held Kashmir Condemns arrest of Zahoor Butt by Indian forces.
Addressing Eid congregation prayers in historical Jamia Mosque Trehgam, S M Afzal has strongly condemned this cowardly act by the Indian authorities and called on them to release Zahoor Butt without delay and not to infringe his civil and political liberties as a citizen of the state.
S M Afzal said the JKLF Diplomatic wing based in London have already started to make representations to various human rights bodies and other public figures for his immediate release.
Earlier on Monday 15 November, Zahoor Butt, the youngest brother of martyred JKLF leader Maqbool Butt, was on his way to Trehgam for Eid when personnel of the Special Operations Group appeared near Drugmulla and pounced upon him and bundled him into a Gypsy
Andleeb Kashmiri,
Secretary Information,
JKLF (Srinagar )
Thursday, 18 November 2010

Kashmir needs space to debate its future
The disputed territory cannot begin to resolve its problems while it is being crushed on either side by India and Pakistan
BY: Rohini Hensman
BY: Rohini Hensman
The recent violence in Kashmir on the Indian side of the border, in which more than 100 people were killed by security forces confronting stone-pelters, was the background for a meeting in Delhi in October entitled Azadi (Freedom) – The Only Way, which set off a series of heated debates. At the same time, the government appointed three "interlocutors", unaffiliated to any political party, to meet different sections of the public in Jammu and Kashmir and find out what they wanted.
Indian ultra-nationalists – most vociferously represented by Hindu nationalist organisations but present even among sections who claim to be more liberal – are undoubtedly a major part of the problem in Kashmir. Their dogmatic assertion that Kashmir is an integral part of India – as though India's national boundaries are god-given and any questioning of them is blasphemy – goes with a justification of the atrocities committed against Kashmiris by the Indian security forces. The allegation of sedition against Arundhati Roy for questioning this dogma, and their hysterical outburst against the government-appointed interlocutors for suggesting that any solution to the problem requires the involvement of the government of Pakistan, make it clear that they themselves have no solution to offer short of war between two nuclear-armed countries.
Pretending that Kashmir is not disputed territory must appear to most observers as a typical instance of burying one's head in the sand to avoid seeing what is obvious to everyone else: breathing fire and brimstone at anyone who acknowledges the reality is obviously a non-starter so far as resolving the problem is concerned. But more disturbingly, advocating coercion to stamp out protest in Kashmir and a clampdown on freedom of expression to prevent discussion of the issue constitutes an assault on democracy. To destroy India's integrity as a democracy in order to preserve its territorial integrity is, hopefully, not a "solution" that most people would find morally or politically acceptable.
Then, is azadi the only way? That does not necessarily follow. Indeed, even the meaning of azadi is far from clear. For the hardline Islamist Syed Ali Shah Geelani, it means that Kashmir would be an Islamic state and would be part of Pakistan. For many others – probably the majority – it means that Kashmir would be independent of both India and Pakistan, and for some of these that it would be a secular state. The only point of agreement among all these sections seems to be that Kashmir would be free of Indian rule, and would encompass all the territory of Jammu and Kashmir on both sides of the border.
However, there is a sizeable minority in Jammu and Kashmir (Hindus, Dalits, Sikhs, Buddhists, Christians, many Shia Muslims and non-Kashmiri Pahari Muslims, as well as a small number of Kashmiri Muslims) who would prefer to remain with India, especially if Kashmir becomes an Islamic state. So this "solution" suffers from the very same moral weakness (ie, the use of coercion to force unwilling individuals to be part of the nation) as the Indian state's attitude to Kashmir. And it is, if anything, politically more reactionary, since India is at least constitutionally secular and democratic, whereas this vision of azadi is neither; indeed, it has a striking resemblance to the majoritarian Hindu nationalist project for India.
Looking across the border at the Pakistani part of Kashmir, the picture becomes even more complicated. There, too, there is a conflict between the struggle for independence from Pakistan and the efforts of elements in the Pakistani state to outlaw political parties who stand for independence and use Kashmiris in their own conflict with India. To complete the picture, even the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front, which stands for Kashmir's independence from both India and Pakistan, is split into factions. So there is absolutely no agreement on who genuinely represents azadi, or even what it means.
Kashmiris on both sides of the border need the space and opportunity to debate their own future without being stifled or crushed by the two powerful states laying claim to the territory in which they live. On the Indian side, draconian legislation such as the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act; Jammu and Kashmir Public Safety Act; and Disturbed Areas Act; which extend immunity to the security forces for human rights violations, have predictably resulted in horrific crimes against civilians. Unless they are repealed and the security forces made accountable and punished for such crimes, the conflict will continue. Elements in the Pakistani state who attempt to use Kashmiris for their own ends are equally culpable of escalating the violence and denying Kashmiris their democratic rights. They too need to be made accountable and punished for their crimes.
These measures will not solve the problem of Kashmir, but they will at least help to create the conditions in which it can be solved.
Source: The Guardian (UK)
Tuesday, 16 November 2010

JKLF Leader Zahoor Bhat held, booked under PSA
Kupwara, Nov 16: Tension gripped north Kashmir’s Trehgam town on Monday after police arrested Zahoor Ahmad Bhat, the younger brother of founder of JKLF Shaheed Muhammad Maqbool Bhat.
His family said that Zahoor had returned from Pakistan administered Kashmir after 21 years and was previously arrested on February 12, 2009 after he addressed a public meeting at Trehgam on February 11.
They said that Zahoor was lodged at Kote Balwal jail for 18 months and was shifted to Kupwara and later released when High Court quashed his PSA.
Witnesses said personnel of the Special Operations Group appeared near Drugmulla and pounced upon him and bundled him into a Gypsy when he was on way to his home from Srinagar.
Sources said district magistrate Kupwara had issued an order in which Zahoor was booked under PSA but it could not be executed since he was evading arrest for last two months.
Friday, 5 November 2010

JKLF concerned over emergence of outlawed Groups in POK
JKLF has strongly condemned the activities and re-grouping of outlawed terrorist groups in Pakistan Administered Kashmir. Most of these groups are banned in Pakistan and yet are free to operate in Pakistan Administered Kashmir creating uncertainty among the local Kashmiri community. JKLF has termed it against the indigenous freedom movement of Kashmiri people and has vowed to resist any such attempt.
BBC Report about emergence of these Groups:
Saturday, 30 October 2010

Amanullah Khan asks Indo-Pak to shun rivalry
Islamabad, Oct 29: The supreme head of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front Ammanullah Khan on Friday said that the Indo-Pak rivalry and the lack of pragmatism on both sides was the main reason for Kashmir issue remaining unresolved for past 63- years.
“The intransigence and continuing hostility between the two countries not only deprived 15 million Kashmiris of their inalienable right but has also pushed the region into severe economic predicament”, the JKLF leader said in a statement here.
Appreciating political resolve of Kashmiris, he said that people of Kashmir had rendered matchless sacrifices for a cause.
Terming Kashmir as an indivisible entity Khan said that the JKLF would make all out efforts to thwart the conspiracies aimed at bifurcating Kashmir.
Referring to “Restoration of territorial integrity campaign” that culminated peacefully at Chakoti on Thursday he said that the campaign was launched to show complete solidarity with the people of Kashmir.
Highlighting the significance of the campaign, he said the main objective of conducting peaceful protest rallies in PaK was to convey a strong message to the governments of India and Pakistan that division of Kashmir would not be acceptable.
Tuesday, 26 October 2010

JKLF to march from Muzaffarabad to Chakothi CFL tomorrow
JKLF will march from Muzaffarabad to Chakothi tomorrow and a sit-in demonstration will be held on CFL. Amanullah Khan has reached Muzaffarabad to lead the March and sit-in. He also urged people of Kashmir to support "Quit Kashmir Movement" started by JKLF in Pakistan Controlled Kashmir.
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Friday, 22 October 2010

JKLF stages protest march in PaK
Muzfarrabad, Oct 22: To reinforce the ongoing Quit Kashmir movement in Kashmir , hundreds of JKLF workers on Friday staged a demonstration at Khoierata adjacent to the Line of Control (LoC).
Besides JKLF stalwarts, the demonstration was attended by the members of JKSLF (student wing of the party) and a large number of people hailing from southern district of Kotli, Nakial, Charoi and Sehansa.
JKLF activists told Greater Kashmir that hundreds of people particularly the youth participated in the rally. He said the participants gathered at Khoierata and later marched towards Seeri village near to the LoC.
The rally culminated peacefully near the border village of Seeri in district Kotli.
Addressing protesters, the speakers expressed their support to Kashmiris’ ongoing peace struggle for right to self-determination. Lauding the political resolve of Kashmiri peoples they said that they (Kashmiris) had rendered matchless sacrifices to achieve their cherished goal.
Terming Kashmir as an indivisible entity they said all out efforts would be made to protect the political as well as the geographical integrity of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir .
As a part of the ongoing “Restoration of national integration campaign” the speakers said that JKLF would hold another protest long-march from Hajeera to Teetrinote in District Rawalokat on October 25. They said another protest march would be taken from Muzaffarabad to Chakoti on October 27.
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Friday, 15 October 2010
Saturday, 9 October 2010
Friday, 8 October 2010

United Nations body lists Jammu Kashmir as separate COUNTRY
"Disputed Regions Treated As Independent Entities’
Srinagar, Oct 8: Amid mounting international focus on Kashmir, a Untied Nations body has listed Jammu and Kashmir as a ‘separate country’ in one of its important reports on greenhouse emissions.
The development comes amid talks that the United Nations was willing to use its “good offices” in resolving the Kashmir issue, if both India and Pakistan sought the assistance of the world body.
The report titled “Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Dairy Sector: a lifecycle assessment” has listed Jammu and Kashmir as part of East Asia, along with Arunachal Pradesh, which has been spelt as “Arunashal.”
The 2010 report has been prepared by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations to assess the greenhouse gas emission from the dairy food chain. It has been published in collaboration with the International Dairy Foundation.
Interestingly, the Jammu and Kashmir has been spelt as “Jammu Kashmir” in the report, which is available on the FAO website www. The other countries which have been listed in the East Asia section include Aksai Chin Arunashal Pradesh, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, China/India, Christmas Island, Dem People’s Rep of Korea, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Jammu Kashmir, Japan, Kuril Islands, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste and Viet Nam.While the report hasn’t mentioned any more details with regard to the issue, a Delhi-based newspaper quoted the FAO Representative in India and Bhutan, Gavin Wall, as saying: “The country grouping that is carried in Annex 5 of the report titled Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Dairy Sector: A Life Cycle Assessment is based on FAO’s Global Administrative Unit Layers (GAUL). The GAUL aims at compiling and disseminating the most reliable spatial information on administrative units for all countries in the world; it complies with the UNSC international boundaries map. Because the GAUL is developed at global level, controversial boundaries cannot be ignored. The selected approach is to treat disputed areas as ‘independent entities not dependent from countries’. In this way, the GAUL preserves national integrity for all disputing countries. Areas are then classified from a purely geographic point of view.”
The FAO issue has surfaced at a time when there is a lot of talk around that the world community, particularly the United Nations and the United States, were focusing on the resolution of the vexed Kashmir dispute.
While the UN general secretary, Ban Ki-moon on October 7 expressed his willingness to intervene in the Kashmir issue if both India and Pakistan wised so, a news report last month asserted that the US president Barrack Obama would, during his upcoming November visit to New Delhi, ask India to resolve Kashmir if it wanted a ticket in the UN Security Council.
In August 2010, Google landed in a controversy after its maps depicted Kashmir as a disputed territory and some of its parts belonging to Pakistan. The internet giant however rectified the “error” after India said “it would give rise to integrity and sovereignty issues in the country.”
Interestingly, such assertions of Kashmir being a disputed territory have surfaced at various quarters, including some of the newspapers. An Afghanistan daily named The Times of Kabul also mentions Kashmir separately in the South Asian section.
Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Quit-Kashmir cry echoes across LoC
Srinagar, Oct. 3: A “Quit Kashmir movement” has been launched in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir too, echoing the four-month-old agitation on the Indian side of the Line of Control.
The campaign in PoK has been started by the pro-independence Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) faction led by Amanullah Khan. It has had a low-key beginning since October 1 but is expected to intensify over the next three weeks.
The movement aims at “re-unification and complete independence” of the state, now divided by the LoC, said Touqeer Geelani, a spokesperson for the Amanullah faction.
The JKLF is the premier separatist group in both Kashmirs but is divided into factions, two of which are led by Amanullah and Yasin Malik. Both factions have units on both sides of the LoC, but Amanullah is based in Pakistan while Malik lives in Srinagar.
A meeting of the Amanullah faction’s central committee was held in Rawalpindi on September 30, says a statement issued last week by Touqeer. The meeting decided to “expand the Quit Kashmir movement to PoK and (Pakistan’s) northern areas, including Gilgit and Baltistan”, the statement said.
In Indian Kashmir, the four-month-old agitation has crippled life and left over 100 people dead, but it remains to be seen how much support the campaign can muster in PoK. The campaign in Indian Kashmir is led by pro-Pakistan Hurriyat hawk Syed Ali Shah Geelani, who will oppose any such “movement” in PoK.
“The JKLF has decided to hold a series of protest demonstrations in Pakistan-occupied parts of Kashmir from September 30 and sit-in programmes from October 22 to 27 at different places close to the LoC to enlist support for a concerted movement,” Touqeer’s statement said.
It said public meetings would be held from October 1 to 20 at all district headquarters, colleges and university campuses in PoK and Gilgit-Baltistan. “We will consolidate the otherwise suppressed national aspirations for re-unification and complete independence of the entire state,” Touqeer said.
“The JKLF will hold a ‘national integration restoration week’ from October 21 as a mark of protest against these invading foreign occupying forces in Jammu and Kashmir,” he said, apparently referring to both Indian and Pakistani forces.
“On October 22, 1947, tribals supported by Pakistani forces entered Jammu and Kashmir to plunder and on October 27, 1947, the Indian forces arrived in Srinagar to occupy Jammu and Kashmir... with the result (that) the state was divided between India and Pakistan,” the statement added.
Amanullah’s daughter Asma is married to People’s Conference leader Sajjad Lone.
A leader of Malik’s faction said Amanullah’s campaign didn’t have his group’s support. “We stand for complete independence of both parts of Kashmir, but it is our prerogative when and where to start which campaign,” he said.
Thursday, 30 September 2010

JKLF has declared to expand the “QUIT KASHMIR” movement to POK
Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), the founder and pioneering organization of the ongoing freedom struggle for re-unification and complete independence of Jammu Kashmir State, has declared to expand the “QUIT KASHMIR” movement, launched in Indian occupied parts of Kashmir to the Pakistani occupied parts of Kashmir known as Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan, so as to make it a strong unified voice of the entire Jammu Kashmir State. In this regard, to drive a popular support for a concerted movement, JKLF has decided a series of protest demonstrations in Pakistani occupied parts of Kashmir from Sept. 30, 2010 and sit-in programmes between Oct. 22 to Oct 27, 2010 at different places, close to the Cease-fire-Line. This was decided in the meeting of the JKLF Central Committee held in its Central Information Office at Rawalpindi , Chaired by by Amanullah Khan, the Chief Patron of the organization attended by many other leaders of JKLF.
In a press release issued from here, it is said that, against the unabated human rights violations by the Indian forces in her occupied parts of Kashmir, JKLF will hold a nation-wide protest demonstrations on Sept. 30, 2010 followed by series of public meetings from Oct. 01 to Oct. 20, 2010 at all District Headquarters, Colleges and University Campuses in Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan to drive the popular support for “Quit-Kashmir Movement” aimed at to express their strong will and determination and to consolidate the otherwise suppressed national aspirations for re-unification and complete independence of the entire State.
Meanwhile; in the light of Oct. 22, the day when in 1947 the Tribals of Pakistan, supported by Pakistani forces, entered into Jammu Kashmir to plunder and Oct. 27, the day when Indian forces dropped at Srinagar Airport pushing out the tribal forces and occupied Jammu Kashmir, with the result the State was divided between India and Pakistan; JKLF will hold “National Integration Restoration Week” from Oct. 21 to Oct 27, 2010 and as a mark of Protest against these invading foreign occupying forces in Jammu & Kashmir.
In this regard on Oct. 22, 2010 JKLF will hold a Protest Long-March from Khoiratta to Seeri in District Kotli followed by a Sit-In programme with a public meeting close to the Cease-Fire-Line known as the Line-of-Control at Seeri, while on Oct. 25, 2010 another Protest Long-March will take place from Hajeera to Teetrinote in District Rawalokat culminated by a Sit-In programme with public meeting close to the Cease-Fire-Line at Teetrinote. Similarly to culminate the “National Integration Restoration Week”, JKLF will hold another Protest Long-March on Oct. 27, 2010 from Muzaffarabad to Chakoti in District Muzaffarabd to be concluded with a Sit-In programme with a public meeting addresses close to the Cease-Fire-Line at Chakoti.
All these programmes are centrally focused and mainly aimed at to convey to the world at large and to the Govt. of Pakistan and India the strong will and determination and expression of Kashmiris’ national aspirations across the divide for re-unification and complete independence of the forcibly divided Jammu & Kashmir State .
In the meeting JKLF leaders strongly condemned the unabated human rights violation by the Indian forces and it was re-iterated that JKLF will continue to struggle till they achieve their cherished goal of national emancipation. Addressing the meeting Amanullah Khan, Chief Patron of the organization, saluting the unparalleled sacrifices and struggle by the new young generation said that JKLF is conscious about the fact that the present popular drive in the occupied Kashmir in support of the ongoing freedom struggle has provided us yet another golden opportunity to alarm the world-conscience to play her most wanted role in solving the Kashmir issue as per the wishes and national aspirations of the people of entire state of Jammu & Kashmir State.
Among other who attended the meeting included Sardar Mohammad Shoaib Khan, Sec. General JKLF; Kh. Saif-ud-Din, Head of the Policy & Planning Committee; Hafiz Anwar Samavi, Ex. Snr. Vice Chairman; Zahid Shaikh, Dy. Sec. General, Sajid Siddiqui, Chief Organiser, Dr. Toqeer Geelani, Publicity Chief; Raja Mazhar Iqbal, Head of Political Committee; Raja Ghulam Mujtaba Khan, Chairman, students wing of JKLF and Members of the Central Committee Advocate Abid Ayub, Chowdhary Mushtaq, Shams Kashmiri while Commander Suhail Kataria attended in the capacity of an observer.
Dr, Toqeer Geelani.
Publicity Chief, JKLF.
Wednesday, 29 September 2010

JKLF concerned over activities of outlawed Groups in POK
“We are concerned over recent activities of outlawed Jammat ud Dawa(JuD) and Jaish e Muhammad(JeM) with new name-TAK”, said Dr. Taqeer Gillani, spokesperson of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), which believes on peaceful resistance against India and Pakistan .
“The government should ban the activities of this new group as it is a conspiracy against the ongoing movement of Kashmir .”
Sunday, 26 September 2010
British Kashmiris Protested in 10 Downing Street against Human Rights Violations in Kashmir
Organized by British chapter of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), hundreds of protesters called on the British Prime Minister David Cameron and his deputy Nick Clegg to check the excesses that the Indian occupation forces have unleashed on the people of Kashmir over the past few months. The protesters also reminded the British Government that Britain being one of the largest arms suppliers to India , these same arms are being used against innocent civilians in Kashmir ; therefore British Government should review its arms pact with India .
Speaking on this occasion, Zonal President of JKLF in UK, Mr. Mahmood Hussain said that international community including Britain and other major nations have a moral obligation to play a pivotal role for a peaceful and lasting solution based on the democratic will of the people of Jammu Kashmir. He said that Kashmiri community in Britain want an honourable solution of the Kashmir issue based on the true aspiration of its people.
Addressing the demonstrators, Head of JKLF’s Diplomatic wing Prof. Zafar Khan said that since two decades Indian forces have killed over a hundred thousand people, overwhelming majority of who have been civilians, and many thousands of young men have simply disappeared without trace over these years while many thousands languish in Indian Jails. He urged British Prime Minister to take concrete steps in order to involve Indian Government for a meaningful dialogue with Kashmris over the future status of Kashmir . He reminded the Prime Minister that there are about 1.5 million Kashmiris living in Britain and they expect his Government to intervene in order to save precious lives in Kashmir .
A memorandum to British Prime Minister David Cameron was also handed over to officials at 10 Downing Street , London . The memorandum asked the UK Governments to play a pivotal role over future status of Jammu Kashmir. The memorandum stated that “In view of the ongoing state oppression in Indian held part of Jammu Kashmir, we wish to remind Her Majesty’s Government of its international obligations as a major world power over the current situation and the future political and constitutional status of Jammu Kashmir”.
Memorandum further stated that “We strongly urge your government to take serious steps in bringing the concerned parties namely, India , Pakistan and representatives of the Kashmiri people for a negotiated and peaceful solution to this 63 year old conflict. The UK government as permanent member of the UN Security Council, a leading member of the European Union and as Head of the Commonwealth, has a privileged position in world affairs to play a role for a peaceful settlement of Kashmir issue”
Others who also spoke were Haji Rauf Khan, Syed Tahseen Gilani, Ershad Malik, Ali Asghar, Prof. Shahid Iqbal, Khawaja Kabeer Ahmed and representatives of other political organisations in UK .
Khawaja Kabeer Ahmed
Secretary Information,
JKLF (UK ) Zone
Secretary Information,
Rt. Honourable Mr. David Cameron
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Dear Mr. Prime Minister,
Re: Seeking UK Governments role over future status of Jammu Kashmir
In view of the ongoing state oppression in Indian held part of Jammu Kashmir, we wish to remind Her Majesty’s Government of its international obligations as a major world power over the current situation and the future political and constitutional status of Jammu Kashmir.
For far too long, India has been responsible for unprecedented militarised violence against a defenceless populace in Indian occupied Jammu Kashmir by giving free hand to military and paramilitary forces which India has deployed in huge numbers in the territory.
The numbers of the forces including a myriad of paramilitary brigades and units are estimated to be around 700,000. This level of deployment of Indian military and paramilitary forces makes Indian occupied part of Jammu Kashmir the most militarised region anywhere in the world.
Since the late 1980s these forces have killed over a hundred thousand people, overwhelming majority of who have been civilians, and many thousands of young men have simply disappeared without trace over these years while many thousands languish in Indian Jails.
Over the past few weeks alone, scores of civilians have succumbed to the violent actions of the paramilitary forces not only in the Valley of Kashmir but also in others parts of Indian held Jammu Kashmir.
Since 2009 in particular, Indian forces have with complete impunity unleashed violence against peaceful mass demonstrators resulting in fatalities and serious injuries. The popular peaceful agitation by the Kashmiri masses is against the status quo and the forced division of their country between India and Pakistan since 1947.
Mr. Prime Minister India erroneously claims that the situation in Kashmir is an internal matter for the Indian state and that Jammu Kashmir is an ‘integral’ part of Indian Union. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Jammu Kashmir is an international issue concerning the rights and aspirations of around 15 million people of Jammu Kashmir which, since 1947 has been divided, forcibly between India and Pakistan . Two thirds of the erstwhile state is under Indian occupation while the remainder is under direct and indirect administration of Pakistan .
We would like to point out that Kashmir issue is not a territorial dispute between India and Pakistan , nor should it be considered as such. To do so would be to deny the inherent and inalienable right to self determination of 15 million people and such apposition would constitute a denial of over a dozen United Nation’ s Resolutions on the future disposition and status of Jammu Kashmir since 1948.
These U N Resolutions not only bind India and Pakistan, to a negotiated and peaceful settlement of the dispute based on the unfettered political and constitutional rights of the Kashmiri people, but also the international community including Britain, to ensure that such a settlement of the conflict was arrived at.
We strongly believe that the UK Government can play an important role in influencing the processes towards a just, lasting and democratic solution of the Kashmir dispute.
Mr. Prime Minister your remarks during your recent visit toIndia did very little unfortunately, to encourage India in particular and Pakistan to engage in a serious dialogue with the Kashmiris for a peaceful solution over the conflict. If anything your remarks caused concerns and dismay among the Kashmiri Diaspora communities in the UK as your position has been seen supporting Indian policy and violent methods of its occupation forces in Kashmir .
Mr. Prime Minister your remarks during your recent visit to
We are of the firm belief that good relations between India and Pakistan are a pre requisite for peace and prosperity in South Asia . The key to unleash peace in the subcontinent however, lies in a just and lasting resolution of the issue based on a democratic and people centric solution of the conflict.
We also wish to reiterate our strong belief that we wish Kashmir to be a bridge of peace and friendship between India and Pakistan rather that a bone of perpetual contention and conflict between the South Asian nuclear powers.
We strongly urge your government to take serious steps in bringing the concerned parties namely, India , Pakistan and representatives of the Kashmiri people for a negotiated and peaceful solution to this 63 year old conflict. The UK government as permanent member of the UN Security Council, a leading member of the European Union and as Head of the Commonwealth, has a privileged position in world affairs to play a role for a peaceful settlement of Kashmir issue.
On behalf of the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front
Mahmud Husain (President of JKLF’s British Chapter.)
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