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To Madhu Kishwar About Yasin Malik : :By Amanullah Khan (Patron, JKLF)

Mr. Yasin Malik may or may not be a true follower of Mahatma Gandhi but we in the original and ideological JKLF are nearer to the ideology of late Subhas Chandra Bose as compared to that of Mahatma Gandhi. As a matter of fact, the head of the militant wing of our JKNLF (the predecessor of JKLF) major (R) Amanullah Khan had been an active member of Subhas Chandra Bose’s Indian National Army (INA) while a prisoner of war in Japan and a devoted follower of Netaji. I personally have the honour of knowing the great Indian leader Jai Parkash Narayan. I was in correspondence with him before and after meeting him in Karachi in Sixties where I had several lengthy sittings with him on Kashmir Issue. He was really a great man and real supporter of Kashmiris’ cause.
It seems to be in the fitness of things to mention here that we do not accept Jammu Kashmir State (as it existed on Aug 15, 1947) or any part of it as an integral or constitutional part of India or of Pakistan and that we are not the enemies of the people, the territories or the Sovereignty of India or Pakistan. Our fight is against those parts of government machineries of India and Pakistan which have been denying us our fully deserved and pledged rights specially our right of Self-determination. These denials being of different magnitudes, we also respond to them accordingly. I have all along been taken as a ‘hostile element’ by the governments of both India and Pakistan often dubbing me as each others agent. In 1970-72 I remained imprisoned in Gilgit for about 15 months initially dubbed as Indian agent while during the same period I was being tried in a Jammu court in absentia dubbed as Pakistan’s agent. My compatriot Shaheed Maqbool Butt spent about 10 years in Indian and Indian controlled Kashmir Jails as an agent of Pakistan and was finally sent to gallows whereas he remained in Pakistani jails for over 3 years dubbed as an Indian agent but finally acquitted honourably. Indian government got me arrested in England under a secret business deal with the British government in 1985 and when after over 15 months of imprisonment, the court acquitted me of all baseless charges, Indian government got me deported from England. Indian government also got Interpol warrants of arrest issued against me and I was arrested in Belgium in 1993 where I had been invited by European Parliament to participate in a discussion on Kashmir Issue. Indian government got me arrested by Interpol and I had to spend 10 weeks in Belgian jails before the Belgian court turned down Indian demand for my extradition to India and deported me to Pakistan. On her part, the government of Pakistan put my name on the Exit Control List (ECL) and also confiscated my passport in 2003 with the result that I just can’t get out of Pakistan to lobby for my cause on international level. India’s actions against me are also aimed at keeping me from projecting my cause on international level.
Coming back to Mr. Kishwars open letter to Yasin Malik, Mr. Kishwar says that Yasin Malik claims that he was the first person to take up the gun for Azadi. I don’t Know whether Yasin Malik claims so or not, but the fact is that Maqbool Butt, Major Amanullah, Aurangzeb, Kala Khan, Mir Ahmed etc (of JKNLF) took up gun for Azadi in 1966. Aurangzeb of Gilgit got killed by Indian army in September 1966 near Sopore while Maqbool Butt, Kala Khan and Mir Ahmad were arrested. Even during the phase of armed freedom struggle that was started in 1988 by JKLF, Yasin Malik was not the first to take up the gun for Azadi. Hundreds of JKLF members had already taken up the guns for Azadi when he joined us.
Mr. Madhu Kishwar would do a great service to India, to his own organization and of course, to the people of Jammu Kashmir State, if he persuades the government of India to act as the government of a civilized nation and honour her own pledges and declarations made on national and international level about Kashmir specially the pledge made in the highest international forum (the UN Security Council) by India’s representative late Gopala Sawami Ayangar on January 15, 1948. He had declared on behalf of India, “whether she (Kashmir) should withdraw from her accession to India or either accede to Pakistan or remain Independent with a right to claim admission as a member of the United Nations-all this we have recognized to be a matter for unfettered decision by the people of Kashmir after normal life is restored there”. Let Indian government declare publicly that she was going to honour that pledge in letter and spirit and if Pakistan does not agree to honour her pledges given to Kashmiris, we will be with India to fight against Pakistan.
Amanullah Khan
Patron-in-chief JKLF
Email: amanullahkhan1931@gmail.com
To Read Madhu Kishwar's Open Letter to Yasin Malik, Please visit

Tributes paid to Abdul Hameed Sheikh on his 17th martyrdom anniversary

In a statement issued from
He further said that Sheikh Hameed's sacrifice would always be remembered and his sacrifices will remain forever a milestone in the resistance movement of Kashmiri people.
JKLF also paid tributes to Advocate Jameel Choudhary, Mushtaq Ahmad Lone, Manzoor Ahmad Khan, Fayaz Ahmad Sheikh and Mushtaq Ahmad.
JKLF delegation lead by Senior Vice Chairman, S M Afzal, Zonal President Abdul Qadir Rathar, Secretary Rasheed-ul-Hasan and Andleeb Kashmiri will also attend a Fateh Khawani in Mazar-E-Shohada,
Sheikh Abdul Hameed was martyred by Indian army on
Secretary JKLF, Diplomatic Committee

Veteran Kashmiri Journalist Sofi Ghulam Mohd passed away, JKLF Grieved

لانگ مارچ آزاد پتن پل پر روک دیا گیا ، دھرناکے بعد شرکاء واپس

JKLF in Britain Condemns Pakistan Government for stopping Long Mach
Secretary Diplomatic Committee

Islamabad/Rawlakot/Azad Patan: After being stopped by Azad Kashmir Police and security forces at azad Pattan bridge which also forms Pak-Kashmir border, at about 6 PM on Nov. 5, 2009 thousands of members of Jammu Kashmir Liberation (JKLF) front and their supporters who were proceeding towards Islamabad form Rawlakot AJK to protest and stage a Sit in(Dharna) in front of the Parliament of Pakistan against making Gilgit Baltistan practically a province of Pakistan, staged sin in for several hours at the border. Chairman JKLF while addressing the gathering condemned Azad Kashmir government for blocking the road and stopping the convoy from proceeding towards its destination. He also declared that the program was being differed and would be held later at a proper occasion.In the mean time Mr Aman Ullah Khan, the Supreme Head of JKLF addressed a press Conference along with the office bearers including Abdul Hameed Butt, Dr Toqeer Gilani, Zulfiqar Raja(JKPNP), Raja Ghulam Mujtaba, Faisal Nazki, Chaudhary Mushtaq at National Press Club Islamabad and explained that the purpose of the demonstration and sit in was to bring home to the government of Pakistan that the so called Gilgit Baltistan (Empowerment and self governance) order 2009 was grossly harmful not only for Kashmir freedom movement and Pakistan but for the people of Gilgit and Baltistan also hence should be withdrawn and replaced by Azad Kashmir like system of government. He also condemned the Azad Kashmir government for stopping thousands of Kashmiris at Pak-Kashmir border and not allowing them to come to Islamabad.
After the press conference was over a large number of JKLf and JKSLF activists protested and raised slogans outside press club against Division of Kashmir and Azad Government for stopping the convoy and in favor of complete independence of the entire Jammu Kashmir State.
Dr Toqeer Gilani
Secretary Information JKLF
0092 333 2264879

Historical Long Mach by JKLF

گلگت بلتستان پیکج کے نام پر تقسیم کشمیر کے خلاف احتجاجی مظاہرے

راولاکوٹ میں لبریشن فرنٹ کا گرفتاریوں کیخلاف مظاہرہ

JKLF Marches Up to 20,000 Protestors Towards Islamabad

JKLF Supremo Amanullah Khan Adressing Press Conference

UPDATE: Long March still Stopped at Pak-Pattan Bridge
LONG MARCH UPDATE: March still Stopped at

More than 3000 people have staged a sit-in at Azad Pattan Bridge when they were stopped by heavy deployment of Security forces. The Marchers are determined to march towards Islamabad and protest in front of Pakistani Parliament to oppose Pakistan’s mal-intentions to annex Gilgit-Baltistan as her defacto province in disguise of Gilgit Baltistan Empowerment and self rule ordinance 2009. It’s already getting very cold and Marchers are facing deep troubles. They are there without any food and water and without proper protection from cold weather conditions. Meanwhile Pakistani electronic and print media is showing biased attitude and not giving any proper coverage to this march even they were informed times and again. (Media Cell)

Awami National Conference exoresses solidarity with Gilgit baltistan
Srinagar (5th October 2009)
Jammu and Kashmir Awami National Conference held a protest demonstration at press enclave Srinagar to express solidarity with the people of Gilgit Baltistan and the people of Jammu and Kashmir who are protesting today against annexation of Gilgit Baltistan by the Pakistan Government. Speaking with media persons, General Secretary ANC Mr. A.R.Badhana said the these measures can weaken the kashmir cause in the long run, when we all are trying to get united for the resolution of the
Soure: Press Release from JKANC

LATEST news on the JKLF March towards Islamabad
9:15 pm (Pakistan Time)
Latest: PAK-PATTAN Bridge Already crossed by thousand of supporters
The rally’s and convoys from all over the AJK started towards
The people in the march which numbered from 18000 to 20000 will keep on marching whole night in order for them to reach to
There was also a demonstration held in Gilgit and a protest note was given to UN Office. Protest was led by JKLF Gilgit-Baltistan zone president Zia-ul-Haq.
Protests were also held in parts Indian Held Kashmir. The main rally was held in
------------------------MORE TO FOLLOW----------------------------

Long March Heading towards Islamabad
Updated: 2:40pm (5th Nov. 09)The long march of JKLF towards Pakistan;s Islamabad Capital has reached to Pak Patan. About 450 Buses, personal cars of people, Vans and motor cycles full of JKLF activists and freedom loving people are stranded there and police have put lot of hurdles in the way.
Rawalpindi prss club and its surrounding areas are also packed with Kashmiri people waiting for the Long March Qafla from Azad Kashmir to join them.

Demonstration in Srinagar against Pakistan’s Gilgit-Baltistan Package