An open letter by the JKLF to the Foreign Ministers of OIC States, meeting in Islamabad on 22 March 2022.
An open letter by the JKLF to the Foreign
Ministers of OIC States, meeting in Islamabad on 22 March 2022.
RE: Indian Gov’t’s nefarious and
pernicious Jammu & Kashmir -J&K- Policy: decimation and re-writing of
At the OIC conference on 22-23 March 2022 in Islamabad your Excellencies will be seized with numerous issues of serious concern within the worldwide Muslim ummah. We take the opportunity however, to remind the OIC that in their long history, the people of Jammu & Kashmir, (generically known as Kashmir) face existential threat. Furthermore, to impress upon the OIC that it, unequivocally affirms the centrality of the Kashmiris, and the territorial integrity of their homeland, for an equitable resolution of the 74 year old Kashmir issue.
India’s right wing Hindu ultra-nationalist BJP/RSS Government’s decision to
abrogate articles 370, and 35A on 5 August 2019 to annex, and bifurcate
Kashmir, is illegal, her decision to do so however, is designed to obliterate
Kashmir’s heritage, destroy its religious and cultural identity, turn the
majority Muslim population into an inconsequential minority, and to communalise
the centuries’ old harmony and tolerance in Indian occupied Kashmir to further
its nefariously pernicious objective, of the BJP/RSS Government’s
flagship Hindutva project. Primarily, India’s policy is designed to bring about
demographic change. This is intended to be achieved with new domicile rules
which replaced article 35A. Through these illegal rules, Indian occupied
Kashmir has literally been opened up to 1.3 billion people of India. It is
pertinent to remind your Excellencies that by revoking article 370 on 5 August
2019 India no longer has a conditional arrangement to be in J&K, and therefore,
India’s presence in Kashmir is that of an occupier.
Excellencies, Political dissent, systematic human rights violations and
detentions of civilians, including political leaders are perpetrated under
repressive Public Safety Act PSA, the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act UAPA,
and the Armed Forces Special Powers Act AFSPA. Mr Yasin Malik, the Chairman of
the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), is held under such punitive laws
which are colonial in nature and designed to force him into submission. Having been arrested on 22 February in 2019 and
detained at a local police station in Srinagar, Mr Malik was slapped with the
inhuman PSA on 7 March and removed to Kot Balwal jail in Jammu, while on 9 May
2019 he was taken to the Indian capital Delhi where he was subjected to
physical and psychological torture by India’s National Investigation Authority
(NIA). The NIA is tasked with fabricating evidence
against Mr Malik as part of Modi Government’s malicious campaign to
malign, stifle and discredit Mr Yasin Malik’s peaceful struggle to resolve the Kashmir issue.
Excellencies, the arrest of Mr Malik and the subsequent
banning of his party, the JKLF on 22 March 2019, was in fact, to pave the way
for India’s military build-up, and subsequent illegal actions against Kashmir
and its people. As the most prominent and internationally acknowledged
pro-independent pacifist leader of Kashmir, Mr Malik actively seeks a political
resolution of the conflict which remains a constant threat to peace and a
danger of nuclear confrontation in the region.
Mr Malik stood up to
defy Prime Minister Modi’s ideologically driven policy of Hindutva; the
manifest objective of which is to obliterate Kashmir’s history, geography,
socio- cultural, and religious harmony and identity, through demographic
change. Mr Malik has opposed the Indian Government’s policy to deprive the
people of Kashmir valley, Jammu and Ladakh of their fundamental citizenship
rights, which had been secured with enormous sacrifices by them during their
heroic struggles throughout the twentieth century.
Excellencies, prior to Mr Malik’s arrest, he stood
firmly opposed to the anticipated abrogation of articles 370 and 35A. He
led peaceful political dissent. Under Mr Modi’s rule however, right of Mr Yasin
Malik, and role of his party the JKLF, to organise peaceful democratic dissent,
is called anti-national, even when the dissent is in Kashmir, which since 1947
is under de- facto rather than de jure Indian control. Therefore, India’s, and
that of Pakistan’s presence in Kashmir, has always been contingent upon a final
settlement of Kashmir’s status. Mr Malik has engaged with previous
leaders of both India and Pakistan including the current Prime Minister Mr
Imran Khan when he was an opposition leader. And in the past 28 years Mr Malik
has assiduously sought support, both in the sub-continent and across the world,
for a peaceful and equitable resolution of the Kashmir issue.
within the first two years of Kashmir’s annexation, around 4 million domicile
certificates under the new illegal rules have been issued to non-Kashmiris. At
this rate, when Prime Minister Modi’s ultra- Hindu-nationalist BJP goes to the
polls in the 2024 general election, a declaration of complete victory over
Kashmir, will be proclaimed by the ideological progeny of the Rashtriya
Swayamsevak Sangh- RSS- to heighten majoritarian extremism in India, at his
bid to be re-elected for the third time. Success of the RSS supported BJP and
Mr Modi in the 2024 Indian general elections appears assured, not only due to
the socio-cultural, religious and political obliteration of the 70% Muslim
population of J&K, but also at the expense of more than 225 million Muslims
of India itself! Today’s India therefore, is poised to take the next step against
its religious minorities, and the brunt of the highly polarised, and
politicised extremist Hindutva frenzy, will inevitably be borne by the Indian
since coming to power in 2014, the Modi led BJP/RSS India, has used its Kashmir
policy to weaponise the majoritarian political fervour in India, to support its
Hindu supremacist Hindutva ideology against religious minorities, especially
the Indian Muslims. Lynching of Muslims on suspicion of eating beef is a common
occurrence, and convicted murderers are garlanded by union ministers in the
India of BJP/RSS era. Drastic policies by many State governments, like
Karnataka, are introduced against Islamic attire including hijab and meekly
upheld by the courts, since the Indian judiciary has simply become a compliant
instrument of the BJP/RSS at the centre and the state level. Today’s India is a
dark place for the Muslim minority. Influential OIC countries have huge
economic leverage in India which does not appear to have helped the Kashmiris’
right to self-determination or eased the impact of hugely discriminatory
policies of the BJP/RSS’s political chauvinism against the Indian Muslims.
India’s illegal action on 5 August 2019 not only betrayed people of Kashmir,
but defied the UN by showing utter contempt for more than 20 UN-SC and UN-CIP
resolutions, and the UN Charter, on the status of J&K and Kashmiris’ right
to self-determination. With annexation, and disintegration of the 176 year old
State, the BJP/RSS nexus has embarked upon its nefarious and malicious policy
to decimate, and obliterate centuries’ old heritage, and identity of the
interconnected heterogeneous State J&K by fomenting divisions on religious,
ethnic, linguistic, and cultural grounds across the diverse people. India
defied UN resolutions 91 of 1951, 123 and 126 of 1957, which clearly stipulated
that unilateral action to change territorial and political disposition of
Kashmir was prohibited for India and Pakistan.
Kashmiris on both sides of the ceasefire line CfL expect that Pakistan, a
prominent OIC member country which is hosting the current OIC Foreign
Ministers’ conference in Islamabad, will refrain from emulating India by
changing political and territorial disposition of Azad Jammu Kashmir-AJK, and
Gilgit Baltistan AJK&GB. Developments around Gilgit Baltistan in Islamabad
however, signify that through back channel facilitation of friendly countries,
Pakistan and India may be persuaded to formalise the CfL so as to effect
permanent division of Kashmir. We hope that no OIC country will either condone,
or facilitate such an abominable solution, as it would amount to the
annihilation of Kashmiris’ heritage, identity, and the territorial integrity of
their beloved homeland- Kashmir.
Excellencies, quite poignantly therefore, India’s aggression against Kashmir on 5
August 2019 will remain etched in the collective psyche of the Kashmiris as
their nakba- the great catastrophe- which the people of Palestine also suffered
having been ‘ethnically cleansed’ from most of their homeland in 1948; and
seven decades on Palestinians are disenfranchised and seen as strangers in
their own land as a direct consequence of the settler policy of the Israeli
government. Unfortunately similar fate not only awaits but has descended on the
defenceless Muslim majority and their leadership in Indian occupied Kashmir
with India’s Hindutva project to settle non Kashmiris.
India follows a similar pattern of repressive policies and laws to delegitimize
Kashmiris’ internationally recognised right to self-determination. The BJP/RSS
Modi government projects the legitimate freedom struggle as a struggle for
Muslim religious rights. In a calculated policy to vilify and denigrate the
freedom struggle, India has weaponised the Pandit minority of the greater
valley of Kashmir to project the struggle as ‘Islamic terrorism’. Ironically
projecting the Kashmiris, as the problem, in their own homeland, just as Israel
projects the people of Palestine a problem in their homeland.
Excellencies, since the annexation on 5 August 2019 the economy and livelihood of
the relatively prosperous Indian occupied part of Kashmir has nose-dived
drastically. The economy of Indian occupied J&K has lost around 7 billion
US dollars with more than half a million unemployed, while the economic slide
continues to move downward. It is quite clear therefore that at best it is
indifference and neglect, and at worst a calculated policy of the Hindu-
nationalist BJP/RSS Modi Government of India to pauperise the masses in Indian
occupied Kashmir. We are dismayed and disappointed that despite India’s heinous
conduct in Kashmir of brutalising and inhuman treatment of the population which
includes extra judicial killings, collective punishment, depriving the families
of appropriate religious burial rites for their loved ones killed in all too
frequent fake encounters, goes un-noticed, with very few exceptions, by the OIC
countries.of the issue based on the international legality with UN resolutions,
and Kashmiris’ right to self-determination Excellencies, we anticipate
that the OIC will take an extended view to seek an equitable resolution. We
expect the leaders of the OIC countries to support people of GB in their
legitimate need for Self-Government, structured on the AJK model, and will
encourage Pakistan to facilitate the needs of Gbians rather than to annex the
region as a province of Pakistan. As people of the divided State including the
Gbians, we fully support China-Pakistan Economic Corridor CPEC. It is
appropriate to expect, however, that GB’s Government must be represented as a
full-fledged partner on the all-important CPEC project.
Excellencies, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the governments and peoples
of nations that support the rights and aspirations of our people’s valiant
struggle for freedom. In particular our heartfelt gratitude to the people of
OIC countries whose leaders during their address at the UN General assembly in
September 2019, 2020 and 2021 extended their support to the people of Kashmir despite
considerable opposition, and threats of trade boycott by the Hindu-nationalist
majoritarian BJP/RSS Modi Government of India. Kashmiris wish to see their
State become a cross road, and a bridge of peace in South Asia to unlock
prosperity, and create amity in the region.
All that is
required is to take the first step based on the inherent and inalienable
sovereign right of more than twenty two million Kashmiris in accordance with
the UN mandate. Many of the OIC countries including Pakistan, have close ties
with Britain, the US and the PRC. All these powers have a direct diplomatic and
economic stake in peace and prosperity of the South Asian sub-continent. A just
and equitable resolution of the Kashmir issue will ensure peace and prosperity
in the region to the advantage of all concerned.
Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front, JKLF.