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Friday, 29 April 2016
A brief profile of Supreme Head JKLF, Jinab Amanullah Khan sahib.

A brief profile of Supreme Head JKLF, Jinab Amanullah Khan sahib.

Supreme Head JKLF, Jinab Amanullah Khan was born in 1931 in Astore, Gilgit. He did his primary schooling in district Kupwara and later did Matric in its Tehsil Handwara incf IHK where he was living with his sister.

He stood first in Matric exams amongst the Muslim students in IHK and got scholarship for further studies is S P College and Amar Sing College where from he was once arrested and later was again issued an arrest warrant on the pretext of holding demonstrations against India and the maharaja in 1952.

In order to evade arrest, he went for hiding and crossed over to Pakistan / AJK via Sialkot through Jammu along with a family who happen to be the relatives of KH Khursheed, former President of AJK. Punjab govt did not recognise the certificates of IHK, therefore In the continuation of higher studies he got admission in Peshawar University and later in Karachi in 1953 where from he did his masters in journalism followed by LLB.

He was elected as the general secretary of Students Federation in Karachi and continued his political activities for the freedom and independence of Jammu Kashmir.

He formed Kashmir Independence Kashmir in 1957 and could gather only 25 people across JK at that time to confront and challenge 'give and take' policy of Pakistan led by Gen. Ayub Khan with India on Kashmir. He along with other colleagues formed JK Plebicite Front and was elected its first Secretary General in its first ever convention whose office bearers took oath at Sucheetgar near LOC in early 60's.

In Karach he continued his studies and worked too to fulfil his needs. He later managed to establish his own school in Karachi which proved his only earning source till his last breath. He went to UK in early 70's where from he started his activities for Kashmir. Besides many protests and activities, he led a team of 4 youngsters who held a protest inside the UN General Assembly Hall in late 1970's when Indian PM stood up to address the august gathering.

He formed JKLF in 1977 in UK and returned back in 1983. After the Mahatre, an Indian diplomat who was kidnapped and later killed by some young kasmiri's who demanded Maqbool Butt's release, in UK he was arrested there on the behest of India through Interpol in 1985.

 He was operated upon while being in custody in UK for 15 months when he was diagnosed with lungs cancer and his 3/4th part of it was removed in 1986. He is the pioneer of current freedom struggle in IHK that started in 1987 with the inception of militancy under the banner of JKLF led by him.

 He is man who challenged the Indian rule in IHK and continued the political struggle of Independent Kashmir in AJK as well. He formed a govt in exile in 1990 with its head. On his call many big pro freedom rallies in both the sides of JK State were held that included crossing of CFL in 11 Feb. 1992 via Chakoti, Muzaffarabad AJK. He managed to form an organisation that has its basis in every province of JK across the CFL.

He believed in oneness of the State of JK and rejected any out of box solution based on the division of the State. He reunited JKLF in 2012 that had underwent division in 1994 and expressed his fullest of faith in Yasin Malik as its leader and Chairman. He wrote dozens of pamphlets, booklets and books on Kashmir and to promote the ideology of Independent Kashmir that included Juhd-e-Musalsal with three editions.

 He presented his Kashmir case at different local, regional and international fora's and got overwhelming response from world around. He was a pious, dedicated, nationalist and selfless leader and founder of this freedom struggle.

He campaigned in Gilgit this year from 20th January to 3rd March against announcing Gilgit Baltistan (GB) a province of Pakistan. During this campaign he met and convinced a cross section of political parties that included the CM and Governor of GB.

During this tour he got lungs and chest infection for which he was admitted in Shifa International Hospital, Islamabad where the doctors diagnosed Pneumonia and cronic pulmonary disease. He was discharged from hospital on 14th of April after he got stable.

 Just 5 days ago he was again hospitalised in Hearts International Hospital in Saddar Rawalpindi after he complained some breathlessness. He was very conscious, alert and could recognise everyone who would pay a visit to him until his last moment but was not able to talk much because doctors had once again diagnosed pneumonia.

He after taking breakfast today early morning breathed his last at about 08:30. His nimaz-e-jinaza will be offered tomorrow at 11:00 am in Liaqat Bagh, Rawalpindi and soon after jinaza he will be taken to Gilgit for burial to fulfil his last wish.

 He has made this wish with the intention that his tomb may prove a bond between GB with the rest of the divided parts of the State of JK especially with AJK and IHK.

He was married in 1974  in Parishing, Astore, Gilgit. Along with the thousands of his well wishers, he left behind his only daughter Asma Khan and his widow.

On 26.04.16
Muhammad Rafiq Dar
Chief Spokesman JKLF.

(I am writing this note while I am in terrible mourning and apologise for any mistake).
Thursday, 28 April 2016
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The Right to self Determination of 20 million people of Jammu Kashmir

The Right to self Determination of 20 million people of Jammu Kashmir.

Presented at the International Conference on Conflict Resolution through Self-determination:

Hosted by Parliamentarians for National Self Determination -PNSD – at the: House of Lords London:  Tuesday 26 April, 2016

Zafar Khan

Chairman I would like to extend my gratitude to the organisers of this important and timely conference, in the British Parliament on a fundamental principle of  human rights- the right of self-determination.

Denial of the right to self-determination leads to violation of all other collective and individual human rights. In the brief time that I have, I will address the concept of the right of self-determination in relation to the Kashmir issue, and the denial of this important right to 20 million people of Jammu Kashmir.

At the outset however, we must acknowledge that the biggest danger to peace in South Asia, is the unresolved issue over Jammu Kashmir’s future political status. Currently Jammu Kashmir-generally referred to as Kashmir- has a huge number of military presence on both sides of the Line of Control-LoC- that forcibly divides the territory and its 20 million inhabitants between India and Pakistan.

Kashmir however, is not a territorial dispute between the neighbours, nor is it a domestic law and order matter for India. It is an international issue that concerns the democratic right of 20 million people who must accorded the opportunity, to decide upon their political destiny, in accordance with their inherent, and inalienable right to self-determination.

Self-Determination as a Concept:
Chairman allow me to briefly, say a few words about the concept of self –determination: Historically the idea of self-determination can be traced to the American declaration of independence in 1776.

This simply meant that those who were governed must give their consent to be governed, and that people have the right to shape their own destiny. Subsequently the French Revolution reinforced this idea with the concept of popular sovereignty.

At the end of World War 1 US President Woodrow Wilson advocated the idea of self-determination in his 14 points, and thus the concept founds its way into the UN predecessor the League of Nations. The United Nations’ Charter in its article 1(2) reinforces the principle of justice, equal rights and self-determination.

However, significant and more emphatic developments in the articulation of the concept emerged with the UN’s Declaration on granting of independence to colonised people in the General Assembly-GA- resolution 1514 of December 1960.

The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights-ICCPR- of Dec. 16- 1966 which was adopted in March 23- 1976, consolidated the process on the idea of self-determination as a fundamental, and an inalienable right, inherent with all, and especially  subjugated people throughout the world.

The International Covenant on Civil and political rights emphasises civil, political, economic and cultural rights of nations and peoples. Article 1 for example states that;

 “All people have right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status, and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development”. *

India has not ratified article 1 of the ICCPR,  and  made  the  following  declaration to the effect  for exemption:
 “ With reference to article 1 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and article 1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Government of the Republic of India declares that the words `the right of self-determination' appearing in [this article] apply only to the peoples under foreign domination and that these words do not apply to sovereign independent States or to a section of a people or nation--which is the essence of national integrity.**

Chairman, with more than half a million regular soldiers, supported by tens of thousands of paramilitary forces deployed in Jammu Kashmir, one wonders what is India’s idea of ‘people under foreign domination’!

Kashmiris certainly feel dominated, and indeed subjugated by the Indian state, and have done so since 1947.

Indian forces of occupation over the past 28 years alone, have been responsible for around a hundred thousand deaths of Kashmiri people, over 8000 missing and with 7000 un-marked graves. The suffering and brutalities inflicted on, and endured by Kashmiris, at the hands of militarised Indian state apparatus is nothing other than the actions of a colonial power subjugating a colonised people by sheer force.

Kashmiris have not given their consent to the Indian state to rule over them. If ever there was consent it was conditional, and the India State   has not fulfilled its side of obligations in the temporary arrangements of 1947.

Furthermore the Indian army and para military forces, operate in Jammu Kashmir with impunity of action under cover of laws such as the Armed Forces Special Powers Act –AFSPA-.

 If such militarised oppression against Kashmiris by the Indian State is not colonial in form and substance, then we can ask the question, what constitutes a colony and a colonial power?

Chairman India claims to be the largest democracy in the world, and demands a top seat at the United Nations as a permanent member of the UN Security Council-UNSC- . This is quite something coming from a UN member State which deliberately chooses to ignore around one dozen resolutions of the United Nations, specifically passed by the world body to determine the future status of Jammu Kashmir in accordance with the wishes of its people.

The UN resolutions call for a plebiscite to determine the future status of Jammu Kashmir. If this   is not self-determination one wonders what other definitions can be applied to the struggle of valiant Kashmiris who have risen up against the straight- jacket of the status quo in their forcibly divided country, at every opportunity since 1947.

As we know the genesis of Kashmir issue, at international level at least, begins with India taking the issue to the UNSC on 1 January 1948. As pointed out above, the UN passed more than a dozen resolutions since 1948 on the issue. It’s UN Military Observer Group on India and Pakistan-UNMOGIP- is operational in the territory, under resolution 47 of April 1948. (See Bowers 2004)

Solemn commitments were made and pledges were given by India, that were supported by major powers like the USA and the UK, to have the issue resolved in accordance with the, unfettered right of Kashmiris over the political status of their country.

Chairman, who can begrudge Kashmiris for feeling betrayed, at the indifference and abandonment of their inherent and inalienable fundamental human right- the right to national self-determination, a right that India and the major powers recognised and accepted.

India for example in one of its many solemn pledges on Kashmir declared:

“that the question of Kashmir’s future status vis-a-vis its neighbours and the world at large and the question on whether Kashmir should withdraw from her accession to India, and either accede to Pakistan or remain independent with a right to claim admission as a member of the United Nations all this we have recognised to be a matter for unfettered decision by the people of Kashmir after normal life is restored to them” UNSC document Agenda 227. ***

Unfortunately Chairman India has reneged on the above and all the other commitments, and quite blatantly chooses to ignore the existence of Kashmir issue, and considers it as a figment of Kashmiris’ imagination, or machinations by Pakistan against it.

India consistently prevaricates over its bilateral Shimla Accord of 1972 with Pakistan, which Kashmiris as a matter of fact do not recognise, and call upon the government of Pakistan to rescind the Shimla Accord forth with, as this bilateral agreement negates the Kashmiri dimension in the issue, and turns this legitimate international issue of self-determination of a subjugated nation, into a dispute between India and Pakistan.

Chairman we peacefully resist the oppression and indignities of Indian occupation, and assert our right to freedom and free Will, through political and democratic activism.

But as the world witnessed the killing of five innocent Kashmiris in Handwara and Kupwara over the last week, the Indian occupation forces are impervious to the world opinion, because they have the cover of laws to act with impunity.

 Indian military resorted to brute force when spontaneous outpouring of anger by residents erupted after an Indian soldier attempted to molest a 16 year old girl. The army in collusion with the local Police made every effort to harass the girl, and her family to force her to sign a statement, absolving the soldier of his heinous attempt to dishonour her.

While such heinous acts by the Indian military personnel are common, Kashmiris in Handwara and Kupwara have proved through their peaceful spontaneous reaction that they will no longer tolerate occupation and its excesses and indignities against the populace, and especially against the women of Jammu Kashmir.

Chairman in conclusion this is the backdrop within which the valiant people of Jammu Kashmir wage their peaceful struggle for the right to self-determination. A struggle whose leaders are frequently arrested to deprive them of their democratic right to engage with the public, and the right to free speech and free movement.

Both in Handwara, Kupwara and elsewhere in Kashmir, pro freedom leadership was arrested, including the arbitrary arrest and incarceration of JKLF Chairman Mr Muhammad Yasin Malik.

Essentially therefore the question over the future status of Kashmir is one that concerns the fundamental right of Kashmiris, to determine their political destiny, by exercising the sovereignty vested in them, on the political status of Jammu Kashmir, and its future disposition.

And this is the basis upon which Kashmir issue can be resolved. It is poignantly relevant to repeat here, what Mr Yasin Malik in a statement, only a few days ago, told the Indian Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi that ‘all roads to peace and prosperity for India and South Asia went through Jammu Kashmir’.

Chairman until this vitally important fact is recognised in New Delhi, the suffering of 20 million Kashmiris will continue, and the threat to peace and prosperity in the region, will remain much too real. Thank you Chairman.


**1- ICCPR ratification details for India (Chapter1v.3.)
Bowers, P. (30 March 2004) Research paper 04/28 House of Commons Library British Parliament.
*** (Indian representative Gopalaswami Ayyanger, "United Nations Security Council Official Records", 227th Meeting, January 15, 1948)

Prof Zafar Khan:
 Chairman of the Diplomatic Bureau of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front-JKLF
London Secretariat: 119-123 Cannon Street Road
North Basement London E1 2LX:   Email:

Saturday, 9 April 2016
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JKLF Diplomatic Bureau meeting with British Foreign Office

Rt. Honourable Mr Philip Hammond
Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
C/OP the Foreign & Commonwealth Office South Asian Department.
King Charles Street London SW1A 2AH

7 April 2016

Dear Secretary of State,

Sub- The right of 20 million Kashmiris to freedom, democracy and reunification of their forcibly divided country.

During your recent visit to Pakistan, and contrary to decades old British policy on the unresolved Jammu Kashmir issue, you advised Pakistan Government, not to include the question of Kashmir’s future status as part of its dialogue with India.

Secretary of State, we find your advice unprecedented and inconsistent, especially since the United Kingdom is far more cognisant and privy to the historic context of the conflict over Kashmir, and has traditionally recognised its resolution as being central for lasting peace in South Asia.

The advice therefore has been received as a great disappointment within the million strong British Kashmiri diaspora, as well as a cause of serious concern across both sides of the Line of Control-LoC- that divides Kashmir, and forcibly separates its 20 million people between India and Pakistan.
Kashmiri leadership in particular, has interpreted this advice as a reversal of British policy due to the UK’s changed priorities in South Asia. Kashmiris have always expected Britain to support their legitimate, just and internationally recognised rights and aspirations as part of a process towards a peaceful resolution of the issue.

Especially as in our considered view, Britain has a key role in persuading India and Pakistan, to seek a solution of the issue, by recognising and accommodating, the locus standai in the conflict, of 20 million Kashmiris as the arbiters over Jammu Kashmir’s reunification and political status.

It is not only unfortunate but lamentable that India of today, contrary to its commitments before the international community and to the people of Jammu Kashmir, does not even recognise the existence of Kashmir issue or Kashmiri dimension- a dimension- that encompasses aspirations and fundamental rights that have yet to be exercised over the political status of forcibly divided Jammu Kashmir.

What must also be questioned and seriously addressed is the huge military deployment of forces by both India and Pakistan in the territory from north to south, where both armies aggressively confront each other eye-ball to eye-ball across the LoC.

Secretary of State this 700 mile long LoC which, as far as the basic right of movement is concerned does not and should not apply to inhabitants on either side of the forced divide within International law and UN resolutions, is nevertheless a living hell for tens of thousands of Kashmiris who reside alongside it.

During frequent flare ups between both armies along the length of the LoC hundreds of villages are caught in the cross fire as both armies are deployed either in or close to the populated areas.

Equally Indian military and paramilitary forces are heavily deployed in the rural and urban areas of Indian occupied parts of Jammu Kashmir. This Indian military presence is extremely intimidating and disruptive of the daily lives of ordinary people- many are killed daily with no provocation against the military.

Indian army operates under cover of laws such as the Armed Forces Special Powers Act-AFSPA- that give the Indian forces in Jammu Kashmir, the impunity and immunity to perpetrate acts of violence on a daily basis against civilians that result in deaths of innocent men, women, young and old alike. Many of the basic rights of Kashmiri people are violated daily by this blanket cover of immunity that the Indian military apparatus has enjoyed in Indian held Jammu Kashmir over the past 28 years. Over a hundred thousand have been killed by the Indian military and paramilitary forces, around 8,000 are missing while over 7,000 unmarked graves are found throughout Indian held Jammu Kashmir. Women’s dignity is violated including rapes.

Pro freedom and reunification leadership in Indian held Jammu Kashmir is being denied its basic right of movement, assembly and of free speech. In a country that boasts of being the largest democracy in the world, this denial is a travesty of these fundamental rights when peaceful assembly and movement of legitimate leaders is not allowed to take place.

Over the past one year alone for example, Chairman of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front- JKLF- Mr Muhammad Yasin Malik, has been denied right to assembly and free speech dozens of times. He has been prevented from engagement with people on many occasions through arrests, police and judicial custody and all too often put under house arrests. Mr Malik is also denied the right to a passport. As a result he is unable to visit and see his wife and child who reside in Pakistan.

Secretary of State, on both sides of the LoC, political parties that seek independence of Jammu Kashmir, are denied the right to participate in the political process, as candidates are required to declare their allegiance to India and Pakistan respectively. This is not only an undemocratic condition imposed on the candidates but also a denial of fundamental right to choice. As a result millions of people in both Azad Jammu Kashmir -AJK- and in Indian held Jammu Kashmir are disenfranchised by this undemocratic condition.

We would also like to draw your attention to the issue of Gilgit Baltistan which, the previous Peoples Party Government declared as a de-facto province of Pakistan and the current government of Mr Nawaz Sharif attempted to constitutionally formalise it as such. The process was halted due to concerted opposition from the public and the Kashmiri leadership across both sides of the LoC.
The move on the part of Pakistan government also contravened the spirit of UN Security Council-UNSC- resolution 122 of 24 January 1957 which, the UK supported and which stated “that an attempt to change the status of Jammu Kashmir or any part of the state would not constitute a disposition of the state.”

This particular resolution was passed by the UNSC to repudiate the National Conference Government in Indian held Jammu Kashmir which wished to ‘ratify’- in contravention of a plethora of previous UN resolutions and recommendations, the conditional ‘accession’ of Jammu Kashmir to India in 1947 by Maharaja Hari Singh.

We would therefore expect that the UK extends its advice to government Pakistan, not to proceed with the intention of incorporating Gilgit Baltistan as part of Pakistan federation. Furthermore we expect that the UK would encourage Pakistan Government to reunite Gilgit Baltistan region with AJK, to constitute a single territorial constitutional entity of Jammu Kashmir territories that are being administered by Pakistan since 1947.

Secretary of State the UK has a friendly and historic relationship with India and Pakistan and as such we would expect the UK government to extend strong and effective friendly advice to both countries, that they seriously address the question of Jammu Kashmir’s future political status with a purposeful and meaningful approach and actively involve the Kashmiris with their participation in the process under the UN’s auspices.

Secretary of State as a permanent member of the UNSC, Britain has a legal as well as a moral obligation, to ensure that all peaceful political processes are harnessed so that 20 million forcibly divided people of Jammu Kashmir have the opportunity to exercise their basic democratic right over the future political status of Jammu Kashmir.
With Regards

Prof Zafar Khan
Chairman Diplomatic Bureau
Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front-JKLF
London Secretariat
119-123 Cannon Street Road
E1 2LX

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