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Thursday, 25 December 2014
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Elections in Indian held Kashmir and detention of JKLF Chairman Yasin Malik –a serious question mark on Indian democracy.

Elections in Indian held Kashmir and detention of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front-JKLF- Chairman Yasin Malik –a serious question mark on Indian democracy.

 Luton- UK: 25 Dec.
A meeting of solidarity with the JKLF and its Chairman Mr Yasin Malik was held here on 24 December in support of the anti-election stance of the JKLF and its Chairman in Indian held Kashmir.  JKLF Chairman went on a hunger strike three days prior to his release between the early hours of December 23 and December 24, in protest at the repressive and vindictive actions of Indian authorities against JKLF activists and their families, relatives and friends in Srinagar especially in Maisooma  and neighbourhoods where  total boycott of the polls took place.
Speaking at the meeting  JKLF’s head of  Diplomatic Bureau Prof Zafar Khan strongly condemned Indian authorities for  keeping JKLF Chairman Mr Yasin Malik incarcerated for almost two months during the entire duration of the  election period in Indian held Jammu Kashmir. He called Indian actions undemocratic, inhuman and callous, and urged the International community and humanitarian organisations including those in India, to take serious note of the undemocratic and inhuman behaviour of India’s State apparatus in Indian held Jammu Kashmir. He accused the Indian government of Narendra Modi of showing utter disregard and contempt by violating the most sacred and fundamental democratic principles of political rights and freedom of speech during the elections.
Quite clearly Mr Yasin Malik and his party the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front-JKLF were denied both of these basic principles and rights as a result of Mr Malik’s incarceration and oppressive actions against the JKLF activists during and after the election process. He reminded the meeting that Mr Yasin Malik opposed the elections in Kashmir within the framework of Indian constitution, which he and the JKLF does not recognise as an alternative to Kashmiris’ right of self-determination, and reunification of forcibly divided Jammu Kashmir between India and Pakistan since.
He said that the concerted and orchestrated campaign, the repressive and undemocratic actions by the Indian government can only be described as a desperate attempt to silence the JKLF and deprive Kashmiri masses of a genuine and representative voice. He accused Indian authorities of being extremely indifferent, negligent and callous toward Mr Malik’s medical condition during his 7 week incarceration by shifting him from hospital to prison cell, especially since he has a long standing kidney ailment that requires regular medical care and treatment.  He said the authorities’ inattentive attitude to Mr Malik’s health needs during his hunger strike in particular, has caused   resentment and anger within Kashmiris across both sides of the Cease-Fire Line in Kashmir and throughout the Kashmiri Diaspora.
 Referring to the  post-election situation in Indian held Kashmir Zafar Khan said  despite visiting Jammu Kashmir eight times in  his six month tenure as Prime Minister of India, Mr  Modi has not only failed to obtain the desired results in Jammu Kashmir, he has further fanned the flames and heightened the passions for a permanent solution of Kashmir dispute. The election results have created a climate of uncertainty and an inevitable political stalemate. Zafar Khan called this state of affairs a consequence of communal political agenda which the Bharatiya Janata Party-the BJP-under Mr Modi pursued particularly in the Jammu region Kashmir.
However he said despite BJP’s communal manoeuvring to further its Hindutva and Akhand Bharat philosophy, people of Jammu Kashmir have clearly not gone along with Mr Modi’s government. But he raised a note of caution in particular to people of Jammu region to resist communally divisive and assimilationist political agenda of the BJP in respect of the identity, solidarity and ultimate unity of the entire state, including regions of Azad Jammu Kashmir- Gilgit Baltistan, and pointed out that this identity and solidarity needed to be jealously guarded and protected against forces of communal and ethnic divisions.
He said Mr Malik and his party seek a peaceful and democratic solution of Kashmir dispute and said we have intimated this to major powers including the UK, the USA and all the UN member countries including the members of the UN Security Council prior to, and during the current election in Indian Held Kashmir. He said we hope and anticipate that the world community will stand up and take note of double standards of Indian democracy in relation to Jammu Kashmir, and cited the example of the Scottish referendum in which people of Scotland were allowed their democratic right to decide whether they wished Scotland to remain as part of the United Kingdom or become an independent country. He said Mr Narendra Modi has embarked upon a vendetta against the JKLF and its leadership. India claims to be a strong democracy and yet it  prevented Mr  Malik and his party from  campaigning against the  election in Jammu Kashmir  and prevented him from a direct contact with the people  by keeping him and many of his colleagues behind bars during the election.
Zafar Khan concluded by reminding the Major Powers that like twenty million people of forcibly divided Jammu Kashmir Mr Yasin Malik also seeks to decide a political and constitutional status of his mother land through a fair, free, transparent and democratic process as was exercised by the Scottish people; and said that  the presence of seven hundred thousand military and security personnel as well as the overwhelming physical influence of the Indian State apparatus in Jammu Kashmir, election process of the kind that has just been concluded is not an alternative to a lasting and just solution of the Kashmir issue. End.
Mahmud Hussain
Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front-JKLF-
Diplomatic Bureau
London Secretariat
119-123   Cannon Street Road
Basement North  London E1 2LX
Email contact:

Friday, 24 October 2014
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Quest for a peaceful and democratic solution of the Kashmir issue

London 23 October 2014:  In a statement issued here today Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front- JKLF- has called on the world community to support the forcibly divided 20 million Kashmiris to achieve their inherent, inalienable, unfettered, pledged and internationally recognised right to self-determination.
Meanwhile the JKLF statement coincides with the Indian Prime Minister’s visit to the Siachen Glacier ahead of visiting flood affected Srinagar.  JKLF’s head of Diplomatic Bureau Prof Zafar Khan added that instead of acting to alleviate suffering of close to two million Kashmiris devastated by worst floods in living memory, the Indian Prime Minister chose to reinforce India’s customary intransigence by the symbolic visit to Indian troops in Siachen. Zafar Khan accused Mr Modi of electioneering in Kashmir at a time when the masses require help and assistance to rebuild their devastated lives on war footing basis. This help and assistance by all accounts appears absent or extremely slow in coming.
 Recently the Diplomatic Bureau of the JKLF wrote to around 200 governments as part of its active engagement with the international community on the ‘quest for a peaceful and democratic solution of the long standing Kashmir issue. It has urged these governments to extend full political and diplomatic support to Kashmiris’ quest for freedom, justice and democracy and up hold the Kashmiris’ right to choose a political future status of a reunified Kashmir that is consistent with their fundamental human and political rights.
 The JKLF has called on these governments to exert and assert their powerful voices at all international fora and also to bilaterally intercede with India and Pakistan for the noble cause of achieving peace in the subcontinent and long overdue freedom and justice for the Kashmiris.
 The JKLF has reminded these governments that the Kashmir issue should not be seen as a dispute merely between India and Pakistan as over the years it has quite erroneously come to be seen and as a consequence of which 20 million Kashmiris across both sides of the Line of Control-LoC- have been rendered invisible in this Indo- Pakistan dimension over the issue.
The JKLF has strongly reiterated that despite their claims and counter claims, and their entrenched positions, both India and Pakistan, and particularly despite Indian intransigence, the solution of the issue remained vested in the democratic and unfettered political will of 20 million Kashmiris, and that this democratic right of Kashmiris has not only been recognised by the United Nations but also by India itself. JKLF has thus called upon the world community to take India to task since she has blatantly reneged on commitments and pledges made to the international community and also given to the Kashmiris.
The JKLF has reminded these governments that   Kashmir is one of the most militarised regions of the world and that India alone has well in excess of half a million regular military personnel deployed in the territory that are backed up by tens of thousands of paramilitary forces which are stationed in urban and rural areas of Indian occupied part of Kashmir.
 Pakistan too, states the JKLF communication to these governments, has heavy deployment of its troops on her side of the LoC. This eye-ball to eye-ball deployment of huge number of forces argues the JKLF, by both countries antagonistic to each other has made it impossible for ordinary Kashmiris on both sides of the LoC to lead a normal life. They face daily dangers to life, limb and property as flare ups between the opposing forces are a daily occurrence- as it is the case since 1 October 2014 along the entire LoC.  JKLF argues that In the absence of a viable and just solution of the Kashmir issue and India and Pakistan being nuclear armed powers and having fought a number of wars over Kashmir, their aggressive military deployment across the LoC renders the situation fraught with incalculable and catastrophic consequences even to contemplate not only for South Asia but for the entire world.
 The JKLF reminded these Governments that the nature of division of Kashmir and its people would be unacceptable anywhere else in the world today where tens of thousands of families are divided and point out that this is exactly  the kind of situation which brought the ‘Iron curtain ‘down in the west.  The JKLF   said that as a movement committed to asserting the rights of Kashmiris it was   totally committed to making Kashmir a bridge of peace between India and Pakistan as a considered party policy and a long standing national objective. The JKLF correspondence to these governments strongly urged that Kashmiris and JKLF anticipate their active support for a peaceful and lasting solution of the Kashmir dispute.

Mahmood Hussain
For and on behalf of the JKLF

Friday, 17 October 2014
JKLF Supports 26th October March in London‏

JKLF Supports 26th October March in London‏

President JKLF UK & Europe Zone Azmat Khan today declared JKLF support for the London demo proposed by Barrister Sultan Mahmood for 26th October 2014. In a statement on behalf of JKLF with full agreement of Chairman Yasin Malik, he stated that "following a meeting with Barrister Sultan Mahmood, JKLF executive has now decided to declare full support for this national cause initiated by Sultan Mahmood because its not based on party political gains.

JKLF executive will be asking all their UK branches to fully participate in the march in London. JKLF Chairman Yasin Malik has also appealed to the Kashmiri population in the UK to participate in this march for Kashmir's right to self-determination and raise their voice for their national cause on every occasion.

Friday, 10 October 2014
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Letter to Ambassadors in UK by JKLF Diplomatic Committee

October 2014

Dear Ambassador,  
Sub: Quest for a peaceful and democratic solution of the Kashmir issue; a sincere and humble appeal for support.  

Excellency through you, we solicit your Government’s valuable support and constructive intercession for a peaceful and democratic solution of the long standing unresolved conflict in Jammu Kashmir- commonly referred to as Kashmir between India, Pakistan and the 20 million people of Kashmir.  
We are confident that your Government will not hesitate to exert and assert its powerful voice in search for a just peaceful resolution of the conflict and for this noble objective, will forth-rightly engage within relevant international fora and, indeed directly with the Governments of India and Pakistan. Furthermore, we take this opportunity to seek your support for our inherent, inalienable and internationally recognised right to self-determination and a democratically arrived at political status of a reunified Jammu and Kashmir of our democratic choice.  

We strongly reiterate that Kashmir issue should not be seen as a dispute merely between India and Pakistan as over the years it has quite erroneously come to be seen. People of Kashmir have been rendered invisible in this Indo- Pakistan dimension over the issue.  

 Whatever the claims and counter claims, and the entrenched positions of both countries, the solution of the issue in our considered view remains vested in the democratic will of 20 million Kashmiris.  The locus of Kashmiris in the future status of the forcibly divided Jammu Kashmir has not only been recognised by the United Nations but also by India itself.  

An  example of  such Indian recognition  is cited herein  regarding just one of the many solemn  pledges  that  India made  on the question of Kashmir’s future political status when on 1st January 1948  she  took the matter to the United nations and declared:  “ that the question of Kashmir’s future status vis-a vis its neighbours and the world at large and the question on whether Kashmir should withdraw from her accession to India, and either accede to Pakistan or remain independent with a right to claim admission as a member of the UN all this we have recognised to be a matter for unfettered decision by the people of Kashmir after normal life is restored to them”  UNSC document Agenda 227.  

Unfortunately however India no longer cares for the commitments and pledges that she made in respect of Kashmir’s future political dispensation both to Kashmiris and to the world community at the United Nations.  Successive Indian Governments have not only   reneged on these pledges, India today refuses even to recognise that a popular struggle for justice, democracy and freedom prevails in Kashmir. Instead the genuine popular sentiments and aspirations of Kashmiris to exercise their free will and reunification of the forcibly divided Kashmir are associated with the so- called ‘proxy’ war, extremism or terrorism. Nothing can be further from the reality.  

The truth however is that we seek peacefully to reunify our forcibly divided country- which is de-facto under Indian and Pakistani control- and ensure that instead of being a perpetual bone of contention, Kashmir becomes a bridge of peace between India and Pakistan 

At present Kashmiri is one of the most militarised regions of the world. India alone has over half a million regular military personnel deployed along the Line of Control-LoC- across  backed up by tens of thousands of paramilitary forces which are  stationed in cities and towns rural  areas of Indian occupied part of  

Kashmir. Pakistan too has heavy deployment of its troops on the LoC The eye-ball to eye-ball deployment of huge number of forces of both countries antagonistic to each other has made it impossible for ordinary Kashmiris on both sides of the LoC to lead normal life. They face daily dangers to life, limb and property as flare ups between the opposing forces are a daily occurrence.  
As both countries are nuclear powers such aggressive deployment and an absence of a viable and just solution of the Kashmir issue renders the situation fraught with incalculable and catastrophic consequences even to contemplate not only for South Asia but for the entire world.  

Tens of thousands of Kashmiri families remain divided and are unable to meet each-other in times of grief and joy. Those who are lucky enough to obtain visas have to navigate unfathomable beauracratic hurdles on both sides. This is a state of affairs that should not and must not prevail in a modern world of 2014 and, would not be accepted or tolerated anywhere else. This is exactly why the ‘Iron Curtain’ collapsed in the west. We seek the same through peaceful exercise of our right of self-determination regarding the Line of Control.  

Leadership of the JKLF is totally committed to making Kashmir a bridge of peace between India and Pakistan as a considered party policy and a long standing national objective. We believe that a free and sovereign Kashmir will truly become a peaceful bridge between India and Pakistan and is the vital proverbial key that unlocks the tremendous potential of both countries for the region and the world. Twenty million people of forcibly divided Jammu Kashmir will also reap the dividends of such a peace and prosperity.  

Excellency we seek your government’s active support for our peaceful struggle in unlocking this potential for India , Pakistan, Kashmiris and the rest of the world. We anticipate and indeed seek your vitally  important role in persuading the concerned parties and in particular Indian Government to seek a people centric solution in Kashmir through the good will of the international community and many friends of both India and Pakistan,  and through a frank and objective interaction and negotiation process with Pakistan and the people of Kashmir.  

We further hope that you will support us in our efforts to maintain interaction with you on matters of mutual interest for furtherance of peaceful resolution of the Kashmir conflict.  

In this regard we would appreciate it very much if your excellency would accede to our humble request for a meeting to further elaborate on our approach to a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir issue and that, - in near future your excellency or appropriate members of your mission will participate in our seminar/ workshops on finding a way forward to lasting and equitable peaceful resolution of Kashmir issue and peace and prosperity for South Asia.  
With Anticipation and warm regards  
Prof. Zafar Khan  
Chairman Diplomatic Bureau  
Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front-JKLF-  
London Secretariat:   
119-123 Cannon Street Road,  
(Basement North)  
London, E1 2LX  
Phone: 0795 6400 834  

Saturday, 16 August 2014
Sikhs and Kashmiris Unite In London for Freedom.

Sikhs and Kashmiris Unite In London for Freedom.

Sikhs & Kashmiris Unite In London for Freedom.
Joint Protest in front of Indian High Commission London

London (16 August 2014): Representing a common front against Indian imperialism, Sikhs and Kashmiris hold a joint protest in London on India’s Independence Day.

The protestors re-affirmed their unshakeable commitment to secure freedom for their respective nations and called on the international community to help end the illegal occupation of their homelands from India.

JKLF delegation was led by Zonal Senior Vice President Mahmood Hussain. While addrsssing the gathering he said that while millions of Indians from last 66 years are celebrating this day as their Independence day with  great enthusiasm but  at the same time Kashmiri nation has been equally for all these years observing this day as a Black Day. Mahmood Hussain said that on this day we want to remind the Indian leadership of the pledges made to the people of Jammu and Kashmir and reiterate our demand of right to self-determination.

The protestors were carrying banners "Stop Killings in Kashmir" "Free Kashmir", "Kashmir Belongs to Kashmiris”, “India Quit Kashmir” and more. 

On Behalf of
Press Secretary
JKLF (UK & Europe)

Friday, 18 July 2014
JKLF Meeting with UK Foreign Office

JKLF Meeting with UK Foreign Office

A delegation of the Diplomatic Bureau of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) made representations to the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office-FCO on Kashmir issue at a meeting in London.

Thursday, 3 July 2014
JKLF Presented as Memorandum to Indian High Commissioner in London about "Quit Kashmir" Campaign

JKLF Presented as Memorandum to Indian High Commissioner in London about "Quit Kashmir" Campaign

London (July 03, 2014) - The members of JKLF in Britain held an hour long vigil outside the Indian High Commission in London and presented a memorandum to the Indian high commissioner against the harsh and undemocratic treatment meted out to JKLF functionaries in Indian held Kashmir at the launch of the ‘Quit Kashmir’ Campaign.

The memorandum reminded newly elected Prime Minister of India Mr Narendra Modi who will be visiting Indian held Jammu Kashmir on 4 July 2014, that any attempt by his government to further dilute the social, cultural and political character of  Jammu Kashmir will be met with full popular resistance through the Quit Kashmir Campaign both inside and outside Kashmir.

JKLF functionaries in UK condemned the arrest of over 100 JKLF activists and leaders including Chairman Yasin Malik on the start of the Quit Kashmir Campaign.

Memorandum was presented by JKLF's senior functionaries including Professor Zafar Khan head of JKLF's Diplomatic Bureau, Mr Mahmood Hussain, Senior Vice President, Professor Liaqat Ali, M. Faiz, Javaid Rashid & Sanwar Hussain.

Below is the copy of the Memorandum which was presented to the high Commissioner in London on 2 July 2014.

On behalf of 
Press Secretary

JKLF UK & Europe 
Monday, 30 June 2014
JKLF- organized a vigil at Trafalgar Square in London

JKLF- organized a vigil at Trafalgar Square in London

London (June 29 2014)

Members of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front-JKLF- organized a vigil at Trafalgar Square in London to coincide with 'International day in support of Victims of Torture'. The event was held to support of the ‘Quit Kashmir’ Campaign initiated by JKLF Chairman Mr Yasin Malik on 23rd June 2014

 Members of the JKLF solicited support for the Kashmir cause by engaging with the public through distribution of hand outs and direct engagement.

The activity was led by  JKLF's senior functionaries in including  Professor Zafar Khan head of JKLF's Diplomatic Bureau, Mr Mahmood Hussain, Senior Vice President  and Syed Tehsin Gilani, General Secretary of the JKLF for UK and Europe. Other members included M. Faiz,  Tariq Sharif, Sanawar Hussain and many more.  
JKLF has planned numerous activities in support of the 'Quit Kashmir' campaign including, demonstrations, vigils, seminars, press conferences lobbying of political  leaders in the UK and Europe  over the coming weeks. 

On behalf of 
Press Secretary
JKLF UK & Europe 

Friday, 13 June 2014
JKLF welcomed the new international protocol for investigating sexual violence in conflict zones.

JKLF welcomed the new international protocol for investigating sexual violence in conflict zones.

London (13 June 2014)

JKLF President in Britain Prof. Azmat Khan has welcomed the new international protocol with international standards for documenting and investigating sexual violence in conflict zones. In a statement issued from London, JKLF President hoped that  practical steps will be taken to reduce the dangers women face in conflict zones around the world and that Indian armed forces will no longer enjoy impunity against such heinous crimes. The UN backed initiative urges countries to strengthen domestic laws so that those responsible for these terrible crimes in conflict areas such as Kashmir are brought to justice and that crimes of sexual violence are excluded from amnesty provisions.

JKLF officials visited this first ever “Global Summit to end sexual Violence in Conflict” held in London. The summit was being conducted by world renowned actress and UN special envoy Angelina Jolie and co-hosted by British Foreign Secretary William Hague. The summit has been attended by high profile delegates / Government representatives of over 100 countries.

JKLF delegates spoke to different media personnel at the event and highlighted the plight of Kashmiri women who have been subject to violence from last over 2 decades in the hands of Indian Government forces.

Delegation handed out specially prepared handouts on the rape and atrocities committed by Indian occupational forces. The delegation also gave briefing to several international TV / Media channels on the subject and stressed that the people of the world must speak out against sexual violence in Kashmir too.

JKLF delegation also met dozens of NGO’s and briefed them. Many of the visitors were horrified and shocked and were unaware of these atrocities taking place in Kashmir.

JKLF delegation including Senior Vice President of JKLF in Britain Mahmood Hussain, Mahmood Faiz, Javaid Rashid and Tariq Sharif.

Press Secretary,



Rape of Women by Indian Government Forces in Kashmir

We are in total support of the initiative taken by Ms Angelina Jolie (UN Special envoy) and supported by Her Majesty's Government to stop rape and violence perpetrated through out the world against women.

Women of
Kashmir since decades have also suffered immensely as a result of organized violence and rape perpetrated by the Indian military.

We are dismayed at the total disregard in your campaign of their suffering both as victims of rape well as mothers, wives and relatives of the thousands of innocent men who've been killed and hundreds of those who were arrested and have disappeared without trace.

Reports of rape by Indian security forces in Kashmir emerged soon after the government's crackdown began in January 1990.18 Despite evidence that army and paramilitary forces were engaging in widespread rape, few of the incidents were ever investigated by the authorities. Those that were reported did not result in criminal prosecutions of the security forces involved.
Jammu Kashmir - Kashmir for short- is the most heavily militarized region of the world.

In Indian occupied part of Kashmir alone an estimated presence of 700,000 Indian military and paramilitary forces operate; often committing and perpetrating inhuman acts of violence against the most vulnerable in society. 

Indian army whose actions are protected under the Special Powers Act- SPA and TADA , over past twenty six years in particular has resorted to rape as a weapon of war. One such incident which shocked the Human rights agencies is the mass rape of women took place on
23rd February 1991 in the village of Kunan Poshpura remains a blot on the character of the conduct of Indian military in Kashmir.

We urge you therefore to raise your voice against the rape of women in Kashmir too

·        Amnesty International, India: Torture, Rape and Deaths in Custody, (London: March, 1992), p. 21.
·        Asia Watch, Kashmir Under Siege, p. 87.
·        25 See Amnesty International, "India: New Allegations of Rape by Army Personnel in Jammu and Kashmir," AI Index: ASA 20/02/93, January 1993.

For Further Details, Please Contact: 
Prof. Azmat Khan      à        à        +44 0791 265 3054
Prof. Zafar Khan        à                à        +44 0794 472 2901
Mahmood Hussain    à       à        +44 0795 6400 834

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