
Wednesday 12 February 2014

Maqbool day observed across the globe today

11th February…… Maqbool day 

Martyr Mohammad Maqbool Butt is our national hero whosestruggle and sacrifices will be written in golden words. ….M Yasin Malik

Maqbool day observed across the globe today …. Protests sit inoutside United Nations office Islamabad and Indian high commission London held.Rally held at Trehgam. Many arrested from Maisuma during a protest rally….

Srinagar// 11-Feb-2014)) Father of Kashmiri nation MartyrMohammad Maqbool Butt is our national hero whose struggle and sacrifices willbe written in golden words. Maqbool’s passion, zeal, struggle and sacrifice forthe freedom of Jammu Kashmir is unparallel. This was stated by the chairmanJKLF Muhammad Yasin Malik in his message on the day of martyrdom (Youm IMaqbool) of legend Muhammad Maqbool Bhat.  
Yasinsahib who is in police custody from 9th February 2014 said thattoday the great leader martyr is being remembered across the cease fire line inJammu Kashmir, in all major cities of Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, USA, UK, andEurope  and the rest of the world. Todaywe all Kashmiri’s thinking and acting above their political, religion, cast, creed,regional l and linguistic considerations are recalling the legend of this greatsoul who laid down his life for the freedom of our land and has become aninspiration for all of us. Yasin sahib congratulated the nation of JammuKashmir for this unified approach and oneness.
MeanwhileFahter of Kashmiri nation martyr Muhammad Maqbool butt was remembered acrossthe globe on his martyrdom anniversary today. Programs were held in USA, UK, UAE,Saudi Arabia, Canada, Germany and other parts of Europe. In Islamabad Pakistana protest rally was held outside the United Nations office and press club inwhich demand for the return of mortal remains of Maqbool butt was reiterated.The sit in was led by front leaders M. Rafiq Dar, ,M Salim Bhat, Raja GhulamMujtaba,M Rashid Mirza, Manzoor Ahmad Khan,Mazhar Kazmi,Qari Sami ud din, NomanKkashmiri, etc. besides these Syed Yousuf Naseen of APHC  also addressed people. A memorandum waspresented to United Nations on the occasion.  In London also JKLF leaders, workers and Kashmirisliving in London in large numbers participated in a protest outside the Indianhigh commission. Displaying placards and photographs of Martyr Maqbool butt,the participants demanded for the return of mortal remains of Maqbool sahib andAfzal sahib. A memorandum was also handed over to the high commission on theoccasion.
Various programs,protests, rallies and sit in were held in both parts of Jammu Kashmir manyprograms were held in this connection. Besides Muzafar Abad, Mir Pur, Kotli andother places of Azad Kashmir, a public program was held at Trehgam Kupwara (thebirth place of Shaheed Maqbool). Presided over by JKLF senior leader Master MuhammadAfzal, the program was attended by local traders, students, elders and peoplefrom all walks of life in big numbers. Master Mohammad Afzal and others addressedpeople on the occasion and paid rich tributes to the great leader.  Maqbool sahib’s nephew and niece recited poemsabout the great Shaheed.
AtSrinagar a protest march led by JKLF zonal organizer Bashir Ahmad Kashmiristarted from Maisuma despite a strict curfew. As soon as the participants ofthe rally started their march towards Lal Chowk, police and other forces inlarge numbers cordoned them from all sides .Bashir Kashmiri along with Ghulam RasoolHazari, Mohammed Haneef, Muhammad Afzal Sheikh, Imtiyaz Ahmad and Shahid Makayawere arrested on the occasion.
Similarkind of protest and public meetings are being reported from many more countriesof the world. It may be recalled that on 16th and 26thFebruary 2014 public rallies will be held in Belgium and Nottingham UK inconnection with the Maqbool day. These programs will be organized by JKLF UKand Europe zone.
 It is worth to mention here that Yasin Malikwas arrested on 9th February 2014 while leading a protest marchtowards Lal Chowk others who are still in police custody along with Yasin Malikare advocate Bashir Ahmad Bhat, Noor Mohammad Kalwal, Showkat Ahmad Bakhshi, MushtaqAjmal, Sheikh Khalid, Ashraf bin Salam, Ghulam Mohammad Dar, Dist. presidents BashirAhmad Boya, Abdul Sattar, Activists Giyas ud Din, Abdul Aziz, Fayaz Lone and ImtiyazBhat etc.

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